Register Employee Travel Request—Exercises

Required Data

Expense Rule

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data required for running this particular functionality.

Expense Rule

  1. Open the Expense Rule window.
  2. Ensure that the following expense codes are created for expense rule 01.

    Expense Codes

    Other Expenses Mileage Expenses Entertainment
    010 - Hotel M01 - Mileage Own Car MEAL
    030 - Other Expenses M02 - Mileage Company Car TICKETS

General exercise for creating expense rules.  

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create an expense request for an employee.

Travel Request

Register Travel Request

  1. Log on to the system as EDDIE.
  2. Open the Travel Request window and create a new record.
  3. Enter travel request ID. The employee ID of EDDIE will show in the Employee ID field.
  4. Save the information.
  5. Go to the Option ID field and create a new record.
  6. Enter '01 - First Option' as the request option ID. The default expense rule 01 will show in the Expense Rule field.
  7. In the Travel Started and Ended fields, specify one day as the period:
        Start Date and Time: 15/05/2013, 07.00 AM
        End Date and Time: 15/05/2013, 10.00 PM
  8. Save the information.
  9. Go to the Expenses tab and create a new record.
  10. The expense date will be the travel start date by default. Register expense lines as detailed in the table below.
    Expense Type Expense Code Guest Total Amount
    Other Expenses 010 - Hotel - 1300
    030 - Other Expenses - 500
    Mileage M01 - Mileage Own Car - 200
    Entertainment Manual MEAL 02 750
  11. Save the information.

Add Options to Travel Request

  1. In the Travel Request window, select the expense request you created in the previous exercise. 
  2. Go to the Option ID field and create a new record. Register expense options including details as given in the table below.
    Expense Option Expense Type Expense Code Guest Total Amount
    02 - Second Option Other Expenses 010 - 1300
    Other Expenses 030 - 500
    03 -  Third Option Mileage M02 - Company Car - 200
    04 -  Forth Option Entertainment Manual MEAL 02 1000
  3. Save the information.

Confirm Travel Request Option

  1. In the Expense Request window, select the expense request you created in the previous exercise. 
  2. Select the required expense request option.
  3. Right-click and click Confirm.
  4. Confirm all expense options.