Registering Expenses—Exercises

Initial Exercise

Basic Data Setup

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to learn how to set up basic data for registering expenses.

New Expense Rule

Create Expense Codes for Other Expense and Mileage

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these exercises is to learn how to register expenses, mileage, and entertainment expenses using the expense rules and mileage rule created in Expense Rule and Mileage Limits Exercises and to get acquainted with the differences between domestic travel and travel abroad in the Expense tab.

Expense Sheet

Register Mileage and Entertainment Costs

  1. Imagine that you had to use your own car and take a customer out for lunch. To register the expenses you incurred open the Expense Sheet window and create a new entry (F5).
  2. Enter information in the header (employee number and purpose).
  3. Enter a valid date in the Start Date field. You can also enter a suitable time in the Start Time field if you wish.
  4. Do not enter information in the End Date and End Time fields.
  5. Enter the name of the city where you had lunch in the Expense Information field.
  6. Click the General tab and make sure that the expense rule you created is the one displayed in the Expense Rule field. if not select the expense rule you created.
  7. Save your changes (F12).
  8. Click the Mileage tab and create a new row (F5).
  9. Select an expense code that has a fixed amount (i.e. not connected to a mileage rule) for the Mileage Code field. Enter the number of miles you drove in the Quantity field and save your changes (F12).
  10. Click the Entertainment tab and then click the Guest Details sub tab.
  11. Create a new guest list and enter a meaningful name in the Guest List ID field.
  12. Create a new entry in the table below the Guest List ID field (F5).
  13. Enter the name of your guest and the organization that he/she belongs to in the Guest Name and Organization field.
  14. Save your changes (F12). Note that the Number of Guests field displays the number of guests entered in your guest list.
  15. Click the Entertainment Expense sub tab and create a new entry (F5). Note: The Guests Total and Guest List ID fields are automatically populated with information you entered in the Guest Details sub tab.
  16. Select the expense code for a meal from the List of Values for the Expense Code field, enter a meaningful value in the Expense Reference field, and select an appropriate expense category from the List of Values for the Expense Category field.
  17. Enter the total cost for your lunch in the Gross Amount field and save your changes (F12).
  18. Click the Generated Entertainment Expense sub tab and take a look at how the entertainment costs are allocated within the company. Do they match with the control parameter that you set up when creating the expense rule?

Register Expenses and Mileage Using Mileage Limits for Domestic Travel

  1. Create a new expense sheet (F5). You had to go on a two day business trip in your home country. On your trip you incurred some expenses, including mileage, for which you want compensation.
  2. Enter information in the header (employee number and purpose).
  3. Enter suitable values in the Travel Started and Ended fields so that the travel covers two days.
  4. Enter the name of the city you visited in the Expense Information field.
  5. Click the General tab and make sure that the expense rule you created is the one displayed in the Expense Rule field. If not select the expense rule you created and save your changes (F12).
  6. Click the Expenses tab and enter your expenses. Do not forget the gross and tax amounts. During this trip, you had hotel expenses from different hotels on different days. You also had minor expenses for incidentals.
  7. How do you handle the fact that the hotel costs are split among different days?
  8. Create a new row in the Mileage tab. Select the expense code that you connected to a mileage rule from the List of Values for the Mileage Code field.
  9. Enter a distance in the Quantity field that is over one of the limits set in your mileage rule. Save your changes (F12).
  10. How many rows do you get? Is the pricing correct?

Register Expenses for Abroad Travels

  1. Create a new expense sheet (F5). This time, the travel lasted for only one day, but you traveled abroad and incurred some expenses, including mileage, for which you want to be compensated. You also took out the customer you visited to the theater.
  2. Enter information in the header (employee number and purpose).
  3. Enter suitable values in the Travel Started and Ended fields so that the travel covers two days.
  4. Select the Abroad check box. Update the date and time when you left and returned to your home country if necessary.
  5. Click the General tab and make sure that the expense rule you created is the one displayed in the Expense Rule field. If not select the expense rule you created and save your changes (F12).
  6. In the Expense tab, enter your expenses.
  7. What differences are there between the required information for this trip and the information that you entered in the previous exercise?
  8. Enter any extra information required in the Expense tab and save your changes (F12).
  9. Click the Route tab, enter meaningful and relevant information and save your changes (F12).
  10. Click the Compensations tab. Have the compensations been calculated correctly?
  11. Click the Mileage tab, enter your expenses and save your changes (F12).
  12. Click the Entertainment tab and enter relevant information to indicate that you took your customer out to the theater. Remember to create a guest list and select the appropriate expense codes for tickets.
  13. Save your changes (F12).

Register Expenses for Credit Card Transactions

  1. Open the Credit Card Transactions window and populate.
  2. View details of credit card transactions of employees listed in this table. Note that this information has been imported to the system using an external file.
  3. Identify a set of transactions for one employee which you want to register as an expenses. Note the date range of the transactions and the employee ID.
  4. Open the Expense Sheet window and create a new record.
  5. Enter the employee for whom you want to create the expense sheet.
  6. Enter suitable values in the Travel Started and Ended fields so that the travel period covers the dates of the credit card transactions of the employee. The transactions can be viewed in the Credit Card Transactions window.
  7. Select the Abroad check box. Update the date and time when you left and returned to your home country if necessary.
  8. Go to the Expense Sheet/General tab and make sure that the expense rule 01 is displayed in the Expense Rule field.
  9. Go to the Expense Sheet/Credit Card tab.
  10. The credit card transactions of the employee belonging to the specified travel period will be listed in the Expense Sheet/Credit Card tab.

    To generate expenses based on default configuration settings:
  11. Select one of the credit card transactions, right-click and click Generate Expense. The corresponding expense records will be created. Note that regular expenses or entertainment expenses or both will be created depending on the expense codes linked to the transaction in the credit card configuration.

    To register a credit card transaction as a regular expense:
  12. Select one of the credit card transactions, right-click and click Add as Expense. The Add as Expense dialog box will open.
  13. In the details of the dialog box, select one of the expense codes and click OK. The corresponding expense record will be created in the Expense Sheet/Expense tab.

    To register a credit card transaction as an entertainment expense:
  14. Select one of the credit card transactions. Note that the transaction code of the transaction you select is required to be linked to entertainment expense codes in the credit card configuration in order to perform this exercise.
  15. Right-click and click Add as Entertainment. The Add as Entertainment dialog box will open.
  16. Enter the entertainment category and the total number of guests in the relevant fields.
  17. In the details of the dialog box, select one of the expense codes and click OK. The corresponding expense record will be created in the Expense Sheet/Entertainment/Entertainment Expense tab.

    Note: The Expense and Entertainment check boxes will be selected for transactions in the Expense Sheet/Credit Card tab depending on whether the transaction was registered as a regular expense or an entertainment expense. Also, some details of the expense records created for credit card transactions cannot be modified in the Expense Sheet/Expense and Expense Sheet/Entertainment/Entertainment Expense tabs.