Generating CAMRO Interim Order Structure Alarms-Key Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Creating an CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Release CAMRO Interim Order Structure exercises.

  1. Create an CAMRO Interim Order Structure.
  2. In the table below, record the interim header id and serial number used in the creation of the order structure for later reference.

    Note: It is suggested users use a serial number that they can easily identify as their own creation in later queries, such as prefixing the serial number with their initials, or some other such method.

    Serial No

Initial exercise for creating an CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Generating Alarms for an CAMRO Interim Order Structure in state Created

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for generating alarms for a Created MRO interim order structure.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure
Background Jobs

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id recorded in the previous exercise. Observe the state of the order structure. It should be Created.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Observe the state for a number of the disassembly and disposition orders. They should all be in state Created. Do the same in the Assembly tab. Also note that the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled Finish Date fields are blank for all interim orders in the order structure.

  4. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Click on disassembly interim order 3 for position part 06C/7210. Record the Start Date and Supply Date for later reference.

Start Date Supply Date
  1. Change the Supply Date so it is one day after the Start Date of disassembly interim order 12. Also change the Start Date of disassembly interim order 3 to one day before its new Supply Date. Save the record. This change of dates is intended to simulate the situation where planners delay the completion of an interim order due to an anticipated unavailability of materials.

  2. Right-click in the header section of the form, then click Generate Alarms. Click OK on the subsequent confirmation dialog box. This will start a background process that generates alarms for the interim order structure.

  3. Open the Background Jobs window and populate. Highlight the row corresponding to the Interim Order Alarm Generation  process. If the state of the process is Posted, right-click, then click Execute. Verify that the state of the process is Ready.

  4. Reselect the interim header id in the drop down list box of the Interim Header Id field. Click the Alarms tab.

  5. Two alarms should have been generated. One should indicate that the supply date of interim order 3 is after the start date of interim order 12, and the other indicating that supply date of interim order 3 is after the start date of interim order 14.

Generating Alarms for an CAMRO Interim Order Structure in state Released

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for generating alarms for a Released MRO interim order structure.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure
Background Jobs

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id used in the previous exercise.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Click on disassembly interim order 3 for position part 06C/7210. Restore the Start Date and Supply Date recorded in step 4 of the previous exercise for disassembly order 3. Save the record.

  4. Right-click in the header section of the form, then click Release. Click OK on the subsequent confirmation dialog box. This will start a background process that releases all interim orders in the interim order structure.

  5. Open the Background Jobs window and populate. Highlight the row corresponding to the Interim Order Release  process. If the state of the process is Posted, right-click, then click Execute. Verify that the state of the process is Ready.

  6. Reselect the interim header id in the drop down list box of the Interim Header Id field. Verify that the state of the order structure is Partially Released.

  7. Also note that the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled Finish Date fields are no longer blank for all interim orders in the order structure. They have been populated by the values in the Start Date and Finish Date fields from the corresponding shop orders. Record the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled Finish Date for disassembly order 3 for later reference.

    Scheduled Start Date Scheduled Finish Date
  8. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab. Click on disassembly interim order 3 for position part 06C/7210. Click on the Supply Orders tab, select the single row corresponding to the shop order for disassembly order 3, right-click, the click Shop Order.

  9. On the shop order for disassembly order 3, click on the Sched Direction drop down list box, and select Backward Scheduling. Save the record. Record the changed Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled Finish Date values for the shop order for disassembly order 3.

Scheduled Start Date Scheduled Finish Date
  1. Verify that the Scheduled Finish Date of disassembly order 3 in step 9 is after the Scheduled Start Date of disassembly interim orders 12 and 14.

  2. Right-click in the header section of the form, then click Generate Alarms. Click OK on the subsequent confirmation dialog box. This will start a background process that generates alarms for the interim order structure.

  3. Open the Background Jobs window and populate. Highlight the row corresponding to the Interim Order Alarm Generation  process. If the state of the process is Posted, right-click, then click Execute. Verify that the state of the process is Ready.

  4. Reselect the interim header id in the drop down list box of the Interim Header Id field. Click the Alarms tab.

  5. Two alarms should have been generated. One should indicate that the scheduled finish date of interim order 3 is after the scheduled start date of interim order 12, and the other indicating that scheduled finish date of interim order 3 is after the scheduled start date of interim order 14.

  6. The point to note here is that any time an interim order is in state Released, the Scheduled Start Date or Scheduled Finish Date fields are used to generate alarms, while if the interim order is in state Created, the Start Date or Supply Date fields are used.

  7. On the shop order for disassembly order 3, click on the Sched Direction drop down list box, and select Forward Scheduling. Save the record.

  8. In the order structure form, right-click in the header section of the form, then click Update Dates From Supply. Click OK on the subsequent confirmation dialog box. This will restore the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled Finish Date fields from the supply orders to their original values for the interim order structure.