Changing and Propagating Dates-Key Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Creating an CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create the required data that will be used in the Release MRO Interim Order Structure exercises.

  1. Create an CAMRO Interim Order Structure.
  2. In the table below, record the interim header id and serial number used in the creation of the order structure for later reference.

    Note: It is suggested users use a serial number that they can easily identify as their own creation in later queries, such as prefixing the serial number with their initials, or some other such method.

    Serial No

Initial exercise for creating an CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Changing and Propagating  CAMRO Interim Header Dates Downstream

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for changing and propagating CAMRO interim header dates downstream.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure.

Data Type Value
CAMRO Interim Order Structure CAMRO Interim Order Structure should be for position part number 06C/7200

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id recorded in the previous exercise. Observe the state of the order structure. It should be Created.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Observe the state for a number of the disassembly and disposition orders. They should all be in state Created. Do the same in the Assembly tab.

  4. In the table below, record the Earliest Start and Required Date fields for later reference.

    Earliest Start Required


  5. Click in turn on all the disposition orders in the Disassembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. Disposition orders 26 through 29 should have the latest Supply Date, i.e. these orders should be finishing the furthest out in time compared to all the other orders in the disassembly section of the order structure.

  6. Now click in turn on all of the assembly orders in the Assembly tab, as before observing the Start Date for each one. Assembly orders 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 should have the earliest Start Date, compared to all the other orders in the assembly section of the order structure.

  7. Thus, you should observe a wide gap between the supply dates of the disposition orders and the start dates of the assembly orders that the disposition orders feed into.

  8. Change the Earliest Start Date of the interim header, moving it out 15 work days into the future. Save. Right-click in the interim header, then click Propagate Dates Downstream.

  9. Click in turn on all the disposition orders in the Disassembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. The Start and Supply Date fields should have new values, reflecting the changed start date of the interim header. As observed before, disposition orders 26 through 29 should all still have the latest Supply Date, i.e. these orders should be finishing the furthest out in time compared to all the other orders in the disassembly section of the order structure.

  10. Now click in turn on all of the assembly orders in the Assembly tab, as before observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. These dates should not have changed for any of the assembly orders in the order structure.

  11. The Propagate Dates Downstream right mouse button method, initiated from the interim header, only propagates dates down to the level of the disposition orders. It does not propagate dates through the assembly orders.

  12. Restore the Earliest Start Date field to its original value recorded in step 4. Save. Right-click in the interim header, then click Propagate Dates Downstream. Click in turn on all the disposition orders in the Disassembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. The Start and Supply Date fields should have been restored to their original values.

Changing and Propagating  CAMRO Interim Header Dates Upstream

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for changing and propagating CAMRO interim header dates upstream.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure.

Data Type Value
CAMRO Interim Order Structure CAMRO Interim Order Structure should be for position part number 06C/7200

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id used in the previous exercise.

  3. In the table below, record the Earliest Start and Required date fields for later reference.

    Earliest Start Required
  4. Now click in turn on all of the assembly orders in the Assembly tab, as before observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. Assembly orders 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 should have the earliest Start Date, compared to all the other orders in the assembly section of the order structure.

  5. As in the previous exercise, you should observe a wide gap between the supply dates of the disposition orders and the start dates of the assembly orders that the disposition orders feed into.

  6. Change the Required Date of the interim header, moving it in 15 work days, i.e. making it 15 work days earlier. Save. Right-click in the interim header, then click Propagate Dates Upstream.

  7. Click in turn on all the assembly orders in the Assembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. The Start and Supply Date fields should have new values, reflecting the changed required date of the interim header. As observed before, assembly orders 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 should all still have the earliest Start Date, i.e. these orders should still be starting the earliest in time compared to all the other orders in the assembly section of the order structure.

  8. Now click in turn on all of the disassembly orders in the Disassembly tab, as before observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. These dates should not have changed for any of the disassembly orders in the order structure.

  9. The Propagate Dates Upstream right mouse button method, initiated from the interim header, only propagates dates back to the lowest level of the assembly orders. It does not propagate dates back through the disposition and disassembly orders.

  10. Restore the Required Date field to its original value recorded in step 4. Save. Right-click in the interim header, then click Propagate Dates Upstream. Click in turn on all the assembly orders in the Assembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. The Start and Supply Date fields should have been restored to their original values.

Changing and Propagating  CAMRO Interim Order Dates Downstream

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for changing and propagating MRO interim order dates downstream.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure.

Data Type Value
CAMRO Interim Order Structure CAMRO Interim Order Structure should be for position part number 06C/7200

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id recorded in the previous exercise. Observe the state of the order structure. It should be Created.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Observe the state for a number of the disassembly and disposition orders. They should all be in state Created. Do the same in the Assembly tab.

  4. In the table below, record the Start and Supply Date fields for disassembly order 5 for later reference.

    Start Supply

    Observe the Start and Supply Date fields for disassembly orders 13 and 15, as well as disposition orders 24 through 29. Also observe the Start and Supply Date fields for disassembly orders 3, 11, 7, 17 and 19, as well as disposition orders 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 9 and 10. Observe the Start and Supply Date fields for all of the assembly orders as well.

  5. Change the Supply Date of disassembly order 5, moving it out 5 workdays. Save. Right-click on disassembly order 5 in the disassembly structure, then click Propagate Dates Downstream.

  6. Click in turn on all the disposition orders mentioned in step 4, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. Disassembly orders 13 and 15, as well as disposition orders 24 through 29, should have moved out 5 workdays, in terms of their Start and Supply Date fields. The Start and Supply Date fields for disassembly orders 3, 11, 7, 17 and 19, as well as disposition orders 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 9 and 10 should not have changed. This is because the Propagate Dates Downstream method initiated from a specific disassembly order will only propagate dates down the branch of the order structure starting with that disassembly order. The dates propagate all the way down to the lowest level disposition orders in that branch of the order structure. They do not propagate through the assembly orders.

  7. Now click in turn on all of the assembly orders in the Assembly tab, as before observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. These dates should not have changed for any of the assembly orders in the order structure.

  8. Restore the Start Date field for disassembly order 5 to its original value recorded in step 4. Save. Right-click on disassembly order 5, then click Propagate Dates Downstream. Click in turn on all the disposition orders in the Disassembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. The Start and Supply Date fields should have been restored to their original values.

Changing and Propagating  CAMRO Interim Order Dates Upstream

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for changing and propagating CAMRO interim order dates upstream.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure.

Data Type Value
CAMRO Interim Order Structure CAMRO Interim Order Structure should be for position part number 06C/7200

CAMRO Interim Order Structure

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id recorded in the previous exercise. Observe the state of the order structure. It should be Created.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Observe the state for a number of the disassembly and disposition orders. They should all be in state Created. Do the same in the Assembly tab.

  4. In the table below, record the Start and Supply Date fields for assembly order 6 for later reference.

    Start Supply

    Observe the Start and Supply Date fields for assembly orders 6, 14 and 16. Also observe the Start and Supply Date fields for assembly orders 2, 4, 12, 8, 18 and 20. Observe the Start and Supply Date fields for all of the disassembly and disposition orders as well.

  5. Change the Supply Date of assembly order 6, moving it in 5 workdays. Save. Right-click on assembly order 6 in the disassembly structure, then click Propagate Dates Upstream.

  6. Click in turn on all the assembly orders mentioned in step 4, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. Assembly orders 6, 14 and 16 should have moved in 5 workdays, in terms of their Start and Supply Date fields.

  7. Now click in turn on all of the disassembly and disposition orders in the Disassembly tab, as before observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. These dates should not have changed for any of the disassembly and disposition orders in the order structure. This is because the Propagate Dates Upstream method initiated from a specific assembly order will only propagate dates back through the branch of the order structure starting with that assembly order. The dates propagate all the way back to the lowest level assembly orders in that branch of the order structure. They do not propagate back through the disassembly and disposition orders.

  8. Restore the Start and Supply Date fields for assembly order 6 to their original value recorded in step 4. Save. Right-click on disassembly order 6, then click Propagate Dates Upstream. Click in turn on all the disposition orders in the Assembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. The Start and Supply Date fields should have been restored to their original values.

Propagating  CAMRO Interim Order Structure Dates To Supply

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for propagating CAMRO interim order structure dates to connected supply orders.

CAMRO Interim Order Structure.

Data Type Value
CAMRO Interim Order Structure CAMRO Interim Order Structure should be for position part number 06C/7200

CAMRO Interim Order Structure
Background Jobs
MRO Shop Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id used in the previous exercise. Observe the state of the order structure. It should be Created.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Observe the state for a number of the disassembly and disposition orders. They should all be in state Created. Do the same in the Assembly tab.

  4. In the header section of the window, right-click, then click Release. Click OK on the subsequent information message dialog box. This will post a background process which executes the release of the order structure.

  5. Open the Background Jobs window and populate. Highlight the row corresponding to the Interim Order Release process. If the state of the process is Posted, right-click, then click Execute. Verify that the state of the process is Ready.

  6. Reselect the interim header id in the drop down list box of the Interim Header Id field. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Observe the state for a number of the disassembly and disposition orders. They should all be in state Released. Do the same in the Assembly tab.

  7. Open the MRO Shop Order window, and query up the shop orders corresponding to the order structure in step 2. Observe the Earliest Start, Start, Finish and Need Date fields for all of the shop orders corresponding to the disassembly, disposition and assembly orders of the order structure. Another way to look up shop orders corresponding to interim orders is to click on the Supply Orders tab, then right click on the row, then click Shop Order. Users can also make a list of the relevant shop orders by selecting each interim order in turn, clicking on the Supply Orders tab, and noting down the corresponding shop order number from the Identity1 column.

  8. Change the Start Date of the top-level disassembly order 1, moving it out 15 work days into the future. Save. Right-click on this disassembly order 1, then click Propagate Dates Downstream.

  9. Click in turn on all the disposition orders in the Disassembly tab, observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. The Start and Supply Date fields should have new values, reflecting the changed start date of the top-level disassembly order.

  10. Now click in turn on all of the assembly orders in the Assembly tab, as before observing the Start and Supply Date for each one. These dates should not have changed for any of the assembly orders in the order structure. Recall from previous exercises that the Propagate Dates Downstream right mouse button method, initiated from a disassembly order, only propagates dates down to the level of the disposition orders, and then only in that branch of the order structure. It does not propagate dates through the assembly orders.

  11. Right-click in the interim header, then click Propagate Dates To Supply, clicking OK on the subsequent confirmation dialog box. Open the Background Jobs window and populate. Highlight the row corresponding to the Update Supply Dates process. If the state of the process is Posted, right-click, then click Execute. Verify that the state of the process is Ready.

  12. In the MRO Shop Order window, again query up the shop orders corresponding to the order structure in step 2. Observe the Earliest Start, Start, Finish and Need Date fields for all of the shop orders corresponding to the disassembly, disposition and assembly orders of the order structure. The dates of the disassembly and disposition shop orders should have changed to match those of the corresponding interim orders in the order structure. The dates of the assembly shop orders should be unchanged, matching those of the unchanged assembly interim orders.

Updating  CAMRO Interim Order Structure Dates From Supply

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the functionality for updating MRO order structure dates from connected supply orders.

MRO Interim Order Structure.

Data Type Value
CAMRO Interim Order Structure CAMRO Interim Order Structure should be for position part number 06C/7200

CAMRO Interim Order Structure
Background Jobs
MRO Shop Order

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window.

  2. Query up the interim header id used in the previous exercise. Observe the state of the order structure. It should be Released.

  3. Click the Tree Structure tab, then the Disassembly tab, followed by the Detail tab in the Disassembly tab. Observe the state for a number of the disassembly and disposition orders. They should all be in state Released. Do the same in the Assembly tab.

  4. Open the MRO Shop Order window, and query up the assembly shop orders corresponding to assembly interim orders 8, 18 and 20 in the order structure.

  5. Change the Earliest Start and Need Date of the these assembly order shop orders, moving them in by 5 work days each. Save.

  6. Right-click in the interim header, then click Update Dates From Supply, clicking OK on the subsequent confirmation dialog box.

  7. In the CAMRO Interim Order Structure window and the Tree Structure tab, examine assembly interim orders 8, 18 and 20. Observe the Scheduled Start and Scheduled Finish Date fields for these assembly orders. The dates should have changed to match those of the corresponding shop orders. The dates of the disassembly and disposition orders should be unchanged, matching those of the unchanged disassembly and disposition shop orders.