Initial Exercise—Equipment Administration 1

Initial Exercise—Equipment Administration 1

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is to enable the instructor to demonstrate the basic functionality of IFS/Equipment, which includes:

Object Information

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you what information you can connect to an equipment object.

Prerequisites: The table below lists all data needed to perform this initial exercise.  

Data Type Value Description
Object Level Object ID *
Object Type 100 Pump

Type Designation


Centrifugal Pump

Functional Object

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Functional Object window.
  2. Populate the table (F2). In this window, you can view the detailed information that has been stored for this functional object. What is the object's operational status? 
  3. If you want to view another object, make another selection from the Object ID list. Does this new object belong to another parent object, i.e., is it part of a structure? In order to do that, right-click and then click Structure.
  4. Look at each tab (e.g., Type Designation and Spare Parts) to see what kind of information that can be stored for an object. Does this object have any spare parts, test points, parameters, or connected documents?
  5. Click the General tab. Right-click and click Active Work Orders or Historical Work Orders to see whether this object has any active or historical work orders or is involved in Preventive Maintenance. Does this object have any active work orders?
  6. Create a new functional object (F5).
  7. Assign the object to the following object ID: PM-312-PA-001.
  8. Enter the appropriate values in the Object Level, Object Type, and Type Designation fields, using the List of Values as necessary.
  9. Enter an appropriate description for the new functional object in the Description field. 
  10. Save your changes (F12).

Create Functional Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the options that you can use when working with Equipment Administration.

Prerequisites: The table below lists all the data you will need to perform this exercise. 

Data Type Value Description
Functional Object  PAP Pulp and Paper Mill

Functional Object

Object Type 100 Pump
Type Designation APP20-300 Centrifugal Pump

Object Level

Object ID


Equipment Object Navigator

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Equipment Object Navigator and query for the functional object PAP by clicking Search on the toolbar (F3).
  2. Expand and view the structure for the PAP functional object.
  3. Expand and view the structure for the following objects: PM - Paper Machine and Pulp Drying, PM-31 - Paper Machine 1, PM-31-2 - Wet End.
  4. Select the PM-312-PA-001 Pulp Pump 1 functional object in the tree structure.
  5. See that this object can be viewed as Selected Object to the right in the Summary tab.
  6. Select the Functional Object tab.
  7. The Functional Object window appears as a tab window in Equipment Object Navigator window. This window shows the detailed information that has been stored for this object. What is the object's operational status?
  8. Click each tab in Functional Object window to see what type of information can be stored for an object. Does this object have any spare parts, test points, or connected documents?
  9. Select the Summary tab. Does this object have active or historical work orders or preventive maintenance actions? You can verify this via the links on the Summary tab and by clicking the links to open appropriate tab windows.
  10. Select the Summary tab.
  11. Select the PM-31-2 Wet End object in the tree view. Right-click and then click Create Functional Object.
  12. Assign the following name to the object: PM-312-PA-101 Pulp Pump 1. Also enter an appropriate description for the new functional object.
  13. Enter the appropriate information in the Object Type, Type Designation, and Object Level fields, using the List button as necessary.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Select the newly created object in the tree view.
  16. Select the Functional Objects tab.
  17. Click the Spare Parts tab. Connect spare parts by clicking New and selecting the appropriate parts from the List of Values.
  18. In the Quantity field, enter the number of spare parts.
  19. Save your changes (F12).

    Note: Depending on the object selected in the tree view, the object to be viewed in the Summary tab will change and also the information in all available tabs.

Create Serial Object

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to help you further understand the options you have been working with in Equipment Administration. In this exercise, you will learn about the connections between functional and serial objects. You will also learn how to define and create new serial objects.

Prerequisites:  The table below lists all the data you will need to perform this exercise. 

Data Type Value Description
Functional Object  PAP Pulp and Paper Mill
Serial Object 10326823-1002 Pump Motor A
Part Number 10326823 Pump Motor A

Object Type



Equipment Object Navigator

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Equipment Object Navigator and query for the functional object PAP by clicking Search on the toolbar (F3).
  2. Expand and view the structure for the PAP functional object.
  3. Expand and view the structure for the following objects: PM - Paper Machine and Pulp Drying, PM-31 - Paper Machine 1, PM-31-2 - Wet End.
  4. Find the PM-312-PA-001-EC01 functional object and 10326823-1002 Pump motor A serial object. (The functional object ID indicates what the parent objects are).
  5. Select the 10326823-1002 Pump motor A serial object in the tree structure.
  6. See that this object can be viewed as Selected Object in the Summary tab to the right.
  7. Select the Serial Object tab.
  8. The Serial Object window appears. This window shows the detailed information that has been stored for this serial object. What is this object's current position?
  9. Note where you can find the part number and the serial number that must be entered for a serial object.   
  10. Click each tab to see what kinds of information can be stored for a serial object. Does this object have any spare parts, test points, or purchase information?
  11. Select the Summary tab to see whether this object has active or historical work orders, preventive maintenance actions or other connected information? You can verify this via the links on the Summary tab and by clicking the links to open appropiate tab windows.
  12. Select the Summary tab.
  13. Select the PM-312-PA-001-EC01-M-01 - Motor for PM-312-PA-001 object in the tree view. Right-click and then click Create Serial Object.
  14. The New Serial Object window appears.
  15. Assign the new object the follow name: XX2120, where XX is your initials.
  16. In the Part No field, enter a suitable part number. Click List to select a suitable value.
  17. In the Serial No field, also type in 2002 as the serial number.
  18. Enter an object type. Click List to select a suitable value.
  19. Click OK to confirm the creation of the object. 
  20. To see the window for the new serial object, select the object. The Serial Object window appears.

Metering Invoicing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define a metering invoice line to invoice for the use of a copy machine, and report the usage.

Prerequisites: The table below lists all the data you will need to perform this exercise.

Data Type Value Description
Object ID  6600-2  Canon copy machine 
Sales Part 6600 Copy machine usage
Coordinator SAMI Sam Miller
Customer ID 3000 Pulp and Paper Mill
Parameter 700 Copies
Maintenance Organization  1300 Service Department 
Authorizer SAMI Sam Miller

Serial Object

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the Serial Object window.
  2. Query (F3) for the 6600-2 object ID. 
  3. Click the Metering Invoicing tab.
  4. Create a new (additional) metering invoice line for the meter (F5). 

Note: Be sure to specify here that for every 1,000 copies that have been run, you should charge 3 cents per copy.

  1. Select a sales part (copy charge) using the List of Values (F8).
  2. Select Limit as the generation type.
  3. Specify a quantity of 1,000.
  4. Select a coordinator and customer ID using the List of Values.
  5. Save the new metering invoicing line (F12). Note the last measured value. Is it over 1,000? If not, proceed with the following step.
  6. Open the Measurements window.
  7. Press F5 to report a measurement for the meter. Select the object ID and parameter. Enter a measurement of 1,200.
  8. Click the object's Metering Invoicing tab. Select the line that you just entered, right-click, and then click Generate Invoice. The Generate Invoice window appears.
  9. Select the maintenance organization and authorizer. Click List to select a suitable value. Click OK.
  10. Select the metering invoicing line again, right-click, and then click Metering Invoicing History. The Metering Invoicing History window now appears. This window displays information about the invoiced amount, customer order number, etc.