Initial Exercises—Equipment and Personal Safety Management 1

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating the basic functionality in Equipment and Personal Safety Management, which entails:

These Initial Exercises are intended for instructor use.

Handling Permit and Isolation Order with Work Orders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the basic functionality of preparing and using permits.


Data Type Value Description Comments
Isolation * Pump overhaul Establishment and reestablishment instructions created
Isolation Type ISOLATION Default Isolation Type  
Permit * *
Permit Type WPT Work Permit
Signature * *
Site 70 EAM
Isolation Order * *
Work Order * *

Prepare Work Order
Isolation Order
Report In Work Order

  1. Open the Permits window.
  2. Populate the window (F2).
  3. Select the first permit in the list, right-click, and then click Prepare Permit. For which work order(s) is this permit valid? Is this permit currently in use? (Click the Work Orders respective Permit History tabs.)
  4. Create a new permit (F5).
    When entering new data remember to use List of Values (F8).
  5. Select Work Permit as the permit type.
  6. Enter a permit description, e.g., Mechanical Permit.
  7. Enter your signature in the Prepared By and Work Leader field.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. Click the Permit History tab to view the permit's history.
  10. Open the Isolation Order tab.
  11. Create a new Isolation Order using an isolation template. Right-click and then click Create from Isolation Template.
  12. Click List and select an isolation for pump overhaul.
  13. Click OK to confirm.
  14. You receive a message that an Isolation Order has been created. Click OK.
  15. Right-click on the new Isolation Order and choose to Prepare Isolation Order. View the establishment and reestablishment data.

Note: While entering validity dates, make sure that the permit's validity time covers the one of the work orders (valid dates are copied to the Permit if the Permit is created from the Work Order).

  1. In the Prepare tab, enter valid dates and Prepared By for the isolation order (valid dates are copied to the Order if the Isolation Order is created from the Permit). Establishment must end before the start of work, and reestablishment must start after the work has ended. Fill in the Planned Start Establishment and Planned Completion Establishment fields, and also the Planned Start Reestablishment and Planned Completion Reestablishment fields. (Use the following date format: MM/DD/YY)
  2. Save the record (F12).
  3. Return to the Permit window and retrieve the permit that you have just created. If it's not already in the window, click Query Dialog and enter your permit No as a search criteria.
  4. In the Prepare tab, enter valid dates for the permit. These dates must be between the ending date for establishment and starting date for reestablishment, but also before work started and after work ended.
  5. Save the record.
  6. Change the permit's status to Prepared, by right-clicking and then clicking Prepare.
  7. Open the Prepare Work Order window, and retrieve an appropriate work order for connecting the permit.
  8. Click the Permits tab, Right-click and choose to Connect Permit....
  9. In the Permit field, use the List of Values to select the permit that you just created.
  10. What happens when you try to change the status of the work order to Started? (Right-click, point to Work Order Status and then click Started.)
  11. Click the General tab.
  12. In the Start and Completion fields, enter the planned start and completion dates.
  13. Save the record.
  14. Click the Prepare tab.
  15. In the Work Leader field, add a work leader signature. Use the List of Values.
  16. Save the record.
  17. Return to the Permit window. Make sure that your permit is retrieved in the window.
  18. In the Work Leader field, enter the same signature as on the work order.
  19. In the Approved by field, enter an approval signature. Use the List of Values.
  20. Right-click and then click Approve Preparation.
  21. Save the record.
  22. Return to the Isolation Order window. Make sure that your isolation order is retrieved in the window.
  23. Right-click and then click Prepared.
  24. In the Approved by field, enter an approval signature. Use the List of Values.
  25. Right-click and then click Approve Preparation.
  26. Right-click and then click Start Establishment.
  27. Right-click and then click Complete Establishment.
  28. Return to the Permit window. Make sure that your permit is retrieved in the window.
  29. Right-click and then click Release.
  30. Right-click and then click Print.
  31. Return to the Prepare Work Order window. Make sure that your work order is retrieved in the window.
  32. Change the status of the work order to Released and then to Started.
  33. After finishing the work, change the status of the work order to Work Done.
  34. Return the permit. In the Permit window, change the status to Return Permit and finally make it historical.
  35. In the Isolation Order window, change the isolation order status to Start Reestablishment.
  36. Change then the status to Complete Reestablishment.
  37. Change the isolation order status to Verify Operability and finally make it historical..
  38. Return to the Prepare Work Order window. Make sure that your work order is retrieved in the window.
  39. Right-click and then click Report In.
  40. In the Report In tab, in the Actual Finish field enter the date when the work was finished.
  41. Change the status to Finished.