Eco-footprint Requirement Analyzing—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Enter Emission Substance Groups

Purpose: To be able to categorize the substances with similar characteristics that are emitted during the product lifecycle you need to enter a number of substance groups.

Eco-footprint Basic Data

  1. Click the Emission Substance Groups tab.
  2. Enter substance groups as described in the table below.
Substance Group Description
BFR Brominated Flame Retardants
METALS Heavy Metals
GREEN GAS Green House Gases

Enter Substance No

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register different types of emission substances.


Note: For each installation there is a number of system-generated substance codes.

  1. Enter the substance codes as described in the table below.
Substance No Description Substance Group Default Media Code UoM Green House Gas GPW High Acute Toxicity Human Toxicity Potential Carcinogenic Environmental Hazardous Energy MJ per Substance UoM
PB Lead METALS Product kg     ü 0,1   ü    
CD Cadmium METALS Product kg     ü 0,1   ü    
PBDE Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers BFR Product kg         ü      
PLASTIC Plastic Packaging   Recycling kg                
CO2 Carbon Dioxide GREEN GAS Air kg ü 1            
ENERGY Energy   Waste kWh             ü 3,6

Enter Transport Emissions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the emissions that are generated during the transport of the parts.

Eco-footprint Basic Data

  1. Click the Transport Emissions tab.
  2. Enter ship-via-codes and substance emissions as given in the table below.
Ship Via Code Substance No Emission Media Code Emissions per Distance and Weight Unit
30 CO2 Air 0,05
10 CO2 Air 0,7

Inventory Parts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter three purchased and two manufactured parts used in the main exercise.

Inventory Part

  1. Enter the inventory parts as described in the table below (replacing XX with your initials).
  2. On the Planning tab, enter values in the Std Lot Size field for XX-ECO-300 and XX-ECO-202 as given in the table below.
Part No Rev No Part Description Part Type Net Weight Std Lot Size
XX-ECO-300 1 Component Purchased 0,01 100
XX-ECO-201 1 Plastic Covering Purchased 0,5  
XX-ECO-200 1 Battery Purchased 0,3  
XX-ECO-202 1 Printed Circuit Card Manufactured   100
XX-ECO-100 1 Computer Manufactured    

General exercise for Purchased Inventory Part

General exercise for Manufactured Inventory Part


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter two suppliers.


  1. Enter the suppliers as described in the table below (replacing XX with your initials).
Supplier Name Address Identity Ship Via Code Mode of Transport
XX-TRUCK Truck transport supplier 1 30 Road Transport
XX-AIR Air transport supplier 1 10 Air Transport

General exercise for Supplier

Supplier-to-Site Supply Chain Parameters

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the transport distance from the supplier to the site.

Supplier to Site Supply Chain Parameters

  1. Enter the supply chain parameters as described in the table below.
Supplier Supplier Address Ship Via Code External Transport Lead Time Internal Transport Lead Time Distance
XX-TRUCK 1 30 1 0 500
XX-AIR 1 10 2 0 2000

General exercise for Setting Up Supplier-to-Site Supply Chain Parameters

Supplier for Purchase Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect your purchase parts to suppliers.

Supplier for Purchase Parts

  1. Connect your purchased parts to the corresponding supplier.
Part No Supplier
  1. On the Emissions tab, enter emission substances for the parts as described in the table below.
Part No Substance No Emission Media Code Emission per Unit Emission per Batch
XX-ECO-300 PLASTIC Recycling   0,05
XX-ECO-201 PBDE Product 0,01  
XX-ECO-200 PB Product 0,01  
XX-ECO-200 CD Product 0,02  

General exercise for Supplier for Purchased Part

Work Center and Labor Class

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the work centers and labor class used in the main exercises.

Work Center
Manufacturing Labor Class

  1. Enter the work centers as described in the table below (replacing XX with your initials).
Work Center Description
XX-A Assembly
XX-S Soldering
XX-P Packaging
  1. On the Emissions tab, enter emission substances for the work centers as described in the table below.
Work Center Substance No Emission Media Code Emission per Hour Emission per Unit Emission per Batch
XX-A ENERGY Waste 2    
XX-S PB Product     0,5
XX-S ENERGY Waste 5    
XX-P PLASTIC Recycling   0,2  
XX-P ENERGY Waste 2    
  1. Enter a labor class with the ID XX (replacing XX with your initials).

General exercise for Create Work Center

General exercise for Create Labor Class

Product Structure and Routing

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter product structures and routings for your manufactured parts.

Product Structure

  1. Open the Product Structure window, query for your manufactured parts and enter the structures for the parts. Part XX-ECO-202 consists of 10 units of XX-ECO-300. Part XX-ECO-100 consists of 1 unit each of XX-ECO-200, XX-ECO-201 and XX-ECO-202. Change status to Buildable for both structures.
  2. Open the Routing window, query for your manufactured parts and enter routing operations for your manufactured parts.

Enter the following operations for the part XX-ECO-202:

Operation No Description Work Center Machine Run Factor Labor Class Labor Run Time
10 Assembly XX-A   XX 1
20 Soldering XX-S 1    

Enter the following operations for the part XX-ECO-100:

Operation No Description Work Center Machine Run Factor Labor Class Labor Run Time
10 Assembly XX-A   XX 1
20 Packaging XX-P 1 XX 1

General exercise for Creating Product Structure

General exercise for Creating Routing

Required Data

Part Specific Emissions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter emissions that are specific for the part. For a manufactured part there could be emissions that are generated during the production process even though it is not included in the routing or in the product structure. These emissions can be registered as Part Specific Emissions.

Part Eco-footprint

  1. On the Part Specific Emission tab, enter emission substance PBDE, media code Product and emission amount 0,05 per unit for part XX-ECO-202.

Usage Emissions

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register emissions that are generated when the part is used. You should also enter additional emission, i.e. emissions that are generated for example when the part is repaired.

Part Eco-footprint

  1. Register that the lifetime for part XX-ECO-100 is 100 000 h.
  2. Click the Usage tab. On the Usage Emission tab, enter emission substance ENERGY, media code Waste and emission amount 0,02 per lifetime.
  3. On the Additional Emission tab, enter emissions as described in the table below.
Substance No Media Code Emission per Unit Emission Frequency
PB Product 0,01 2
CD Product 0,02 2
CO2 Air 200 2

Calculate Eco-footprint for Manufactured Part

  1. Open the Calculate Eco-footprint - Part dialog box and calculate emissions for the manufactured part XX-ECO-100.

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how analysis parts based on specific requirements for regulated substances.

Requirements for Eco-footprint

Create an Analysis Based on Regulated Substances

  1. Open the Requirements for Eco-footprint window.
  2. Create a new record and enter; Requirement ID XX-ECO-1, Description equal to Regulations of Metals, set Phase in Date to today’s date, leave Phase out Date blank and set Req Valid Date one month in front in time, Save. Revision 1 of Requirement ID XX-ECO-1 is created in status Planned.
  3. Click on the Regulated Substances tab.
  4. Create two new records and use the list of value to select Substance No; PB (Lead) and CD (Cadmium).
  5. For PB set Threshold W/W (%) equal to 0,0002 and for CD 0,0001.

    Note: Substances with no existing weight figures can be included in a requirement; the Threshold W/W (%) value can be set to zero.
  6. Right-click from the header and select the option Set Status to Active.
  7. Right-click again from the header and select the option Analyze. In the Analyze parts dialog enter Part No XX-ECO-100 and Select Struct Alt *. Secure that the analysis is performed for part Revision No 1 by entering an appropriate Effective Date. Press the OK button.

    Note: It is the Effective Date that controls which revision to base the calculations on, i.e. the revision valid for the entered Effective Date will be used for the calculation. This means that the calculation will blow through the entire structure and use the revision valid for the Effective Date for both the top part and the sub-assemblies. A specific Struct Alt and Rout Alt can be taken in to consideration in the calculation, but only for the top part not its sub-assemblies. When executing a calculation then is always Struct Alt * and Rout Alt * used for all sub-assemblies.
  8. When the analyze back ground job is completed click on the Non Conforming Parts tab. The following parts should appear; XX-ECO-100 and XX-ECO-200. Study the calculated W/W (%) and compare with the Threshold W/W (%).
  9. Click on the Non Conforming Top Parts tab. Part XX-ECO-100 should appear in the list, XX-ECO-200 is just a component included in XX-ECO-100 hence not a top part. Right-click from the line representing XX-ECO-100 and select the option Analyze Parts.
  10. In the first section study which of the parts in the tree structure that has a calculated W/W exceeding the define Threshold W/W for any of the regulated substances. Review also the material declaration quality for each part in the tree structure. A part is only defined as passed if the calculated W/W is less than the define Threshold W/W and if the material declaration quality is ether Complete or Full. If these conditions aren’t fulfilled then is the part instead marked with a warning symbol in the tree structure. In the second section can you follow up information related to the substances for the non conformiong parts.

Create an Analysis Based on Criteria

  1. Open the Requirments for Eco-footprint window.
  2. Create a new record and enter; Requirement ID XX-ECO-2, Description equal to Regulations of Polybrom, set Phase in Date to today’s date, leave Phase out Date blank and set Req Valid Date one month in front in time, Save. Revision 1 of Requirement ID XX-ECO-2 is created in status Planned.
  3. Click on the Regulated Substances tab.
  4. Right-click and select the option Analyze on Criteria.
  5. In the Analyze on Criteria dialog select the Hazardous Criteria Carcinogenic, press the OK Button.
  6. All substances in the substance database defined as Carcinogenic will be added to the list of regulated substances.

    Note: If the analysis is started from this dialog then will then listed substances receive a Threshold W/W (%) value of zero. It is however optional to update the Threshold W/W (%) if requested.
  7. Right-click from the header and select the option Set Status to Active.
  8. Right-click again from the header and select the option Analyze.
  9. In the Analyze parts dialog enter Part No XX-ECO-100 and Select Struct Alt *. Press the OK button.

    Note: It is the Effective Date that controls which revision to base the calculations on, i.e. the revision valid for the entered Effective Date will be used for the calculation. This means that the calculation will blow through the entire structure and use the revision valid for the Effective Date for both the top part and the sub-assemblies. A specific Struct Alt and Rout Alt can be taken in to consideration in the calculation, but only for the top part not its sub-assemblies. When executing a calculation then is always Struct Alt * and Rout Alt * used for all sub-assemblies.
  10. When the analyze back ground job is completed click on the Non Conforming Parts tab. The following parts should appear; XX-ECO-100 and XX-ECO-201. XX-ECO-201 appears due to that it contains PBDE (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) which is defined as defined as Carcinogenic.