Registering a Delivery Project—Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Basic Data Setup


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a site and connect it to your chosen user ID.

Sites per User

  1. Log on to the executable with the IFS/Project Delivery component, using IFSAPP for the username and password.
  2. Open the Sites per User window.
  3. Check the list of available users. 

Note: You can log on as one of the users instead, e.g., ALAIN or JEAN. If you have chosen to do so, you have to log off the application and log on again as your preferred user ID. Remember to log on using the same user ID every time you continue with your exercises in this course.

  1. Open the Persons window.
  2. Query for the user ID you selected and verify that it is connected to a person. If it is not, select another user ID which is connected to a person, log off the application and log on again using that user ID.
  3. Close the window. 
  4. Open the Site window.
  5. Create your own site, substituting your initials for XX, as seen in the following table:
Site Site Description Receiver Company Distribution Calendar Manufacturing Calendar Structure Update
PD–XX As desired P 10 US5 US5 Simplified
  1. Save your changes.
  2. Open the Sites per User window.
  3. Query for user ID IFSAPP, or the one you have selected in step 4 above. 
  4. Connect the site you just created and save your changes. 
  5. Connect * as the Default Coordinator Id and Default Buyer ID for your user ID.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Select your site, and right-click and then click Set as Default Site.

General exercises for Entering Site

Required Data

Creating a New Project and Connecting It to Your Site

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the data that must be in place before you can do the the exercises below.

  1. Create a new project. The Project ID can be the first two letters XXPD, followed by the dash symbol (–) and Y, of which XX are your name initials and Y is the number of times you have created a delivery project, e.g. XXPD–01, while do the rest as seen in the following table:
Project ID Project Name Description Company Calendar Customer
XXPD–Y Delivery Project 1 Delivery of a racing engine  10 US5 1000
  1. Connect the project at your site.

General exercise for Creating Projects

Main Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to register a new delivery project.

Delivery Projects

Note: If you are doing all the exercises in this course, the exercises below should be done instead of the main exercises found in Copying a Delivery Project exercises.

Registering a New Delivery Project

  1. Open the Delivery Projects window.
  2. Create a new delivery project. The Project ID should be the same project XXPD–01 you created as required. The Default Site should be your site that you connected for the project.
  3. Save your changes.