Tips and Tricks for Design Standard Product

Below is a list of tips and tricks for the Design Standard Product course. Click one of the items below to see information that may be helpful to you as you take the course.

PDM Default

Product Basic Data/Defaults

Is used to change default values that are specific to a particular installation of the system. Changing default values allows system defaults to be changed instead of requiring hard code changes in the programs. Changes to default values affect all application users. For example, if the entry code DEVELOP_LEV has a default value of 1, any new revisions will automatically be set to develop level 1. A default value of R01 for entry code PART_REV means that the first part revision created for an engineering part will automatically be set to R01.

Entry Code:

LU Description:

Default Value:

UNIT_CODE EngPartUnitCode Default unit of measurement for new engineering parts. This must be an ISO unit of measurement that is registered in Application Services.
DEVELOP_LEV Eng part develop level Default develop level for new engineering part revisions.
PART_REV Engineering Part Revision Default engineering part revision when creating new engineering parts.
REPLACE_REVISION Engineering Part Revision
Value 1.  Only parts/revisions in status Preliminary can be replaced. This is the default setting at installation time. 
Value 2.  Parts/revisions in status Active and Preliminary can be replaced (the replacing part must have same status or higher than the parent).
Value 3. Parts/revisions in status Released, Active and Preliminary can be replaced (the replacing part must have same status or higher than the parent).
Any other values, (including NULL) Same rules as for value 1
PDMCON_SITE Engineering Part Revision Specifies which site to retrieve standard part cost and lead time information from Inventory when running the "Update Cost and Leadtime from Inventory" function.
POS Engineering Part Structure Default pos number. This parameter is used only by the CAD Interface.


Zoom Function (Shift+F9)

The Zoom feature provides an easy way to get to the basic data or setup data for a List of Values option, e.g., when you are in the Engineering Part Revision, have selected a approval profile, and want to see the basic data for it. Press Shift+F9 to open the Approval Templates window.