Setting Up VIM Template Structure Transfer—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the basic data needed to transfer serial template structure data from IFS/VIM to IFS Manufacturing.

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Entering Planner

Inventory Basic Data

  1. Open the Inventory Basic Data window and click the Planners tab.
  2. Create a new record and in the Planner ID field, select the appropriate name from the List of Values.
  3. Enter values for the Title and Phone No fields and save.

Entering Manufacturing Engineer

Manufacturing Standards Basic Data/Manufacturing Engineer

  1. Open the Manufacturing Standard Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Manufacturing Engineer tab.
  3. Create a new record and in the Manuf Engineer Code field, select the appropriate name from the  List of Values.
  4. Enter a value for Manufacturing Engineer Title and save.

Entering Engineering Transfer Site Role

Manufacturing Standards Basic Data/Engineering Transfer Site Role

  1. Open the Manufacturing Standard Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Engineering Transfer Site Role tab.
  3. Enter your Site, Planner, and Manufacturing Engineer.
  4. Save the record.

Entering Part Transfer Template

Part Transfer Template

  1. Open the Part Transfer Template window.
  2. Create a new template according to the information in the table below.
  3. Save.
Template ID Description Template Type Part Type
XX_TRANS Serial Structure Template VIM Template Manufactured

Entering Default Part Template

Manufacturing Standards Basic Data/Default Part Template

  1. Open the Manufacturing Standard Basic Data window.
  2. Click the Default Part Template tab.
  3. Enter your site XX90, part type, template type and part template ID according to the information in the table below.
Site Part Type Part Template ID Template Type
XX90 Manufactured XX_TRANS VIM Template