Setting Up Basic Data in Manufacturing Standards—Key Exercises

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Basic Data Setup

Verify Transferred Disassembly and Assembly Structures

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to verify that the disassembly and assembly structures have been created correctly in the process of being transferred from IFS/VIM to IFS/Manufacturing Standards.

Product Structure Graphic
Product Structure

Assembly and disassembly structures consist of a header and component parts - based on position part numbers. During the transfer process, disassembly and assembly structures are automatically created for all position parts that have components. The structures are later used as a basis for creating maintenance level structures, which are structures of parts exposed for a given maintenance level.

  1. Open the Product Structure Graphic window.
  2. Query for records in your site where Part No is PP/XX_ENG and Structure Type is Assembly and Disassembly.
  3. View the structures and verify that your transfer has worked correctly.

Main Exercise

Define Disposition Structures

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define disposition structures. Disposition structures are useful to add extra material needed when performing the disposition work.

Note: Disposition structure components are not mandatory. Disposition shop orders can be created without any structure component information. Disposition structures are however useful to add extra material needed when performing the disposition work (consumables, tools etc). It is possible to build the disposition structure alternates even without components.

Product Structure

  1. Create few inventory parts (consumables) on your site that can be used as components in the disposition structure (oil, white spirit, washers, rags etc). Receive some quantities of these parts into inventory.
  2. Open the Product Structure window.
  3. Query for the records in your site where the part no is PP/% and structure type Disposition.
  4. Add the consumables to the structure alternate as component lines and save.
  5. Repeat the step 4 for all the position parts in the structure.
Site Structure Type Position Parts
XX90 Disposition PP/XX_A; PP/XX_B; PP/XX_C; PP/XX_A1; PP/XX_A2; PP/XX_A11 ; PP/XX_A12 ; PP/XX_A13;

Define Repair Structures

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define repair structures. Disposition structures are useful to add extra material needed when performing the disposition work. The repair structures represent a union of all extra material needed when performing repair work (consumables, tools etc) for a given part. The repair structures are later used as a basis for creating repair code structures, which are subsets of extra material for a specific repair code.

Note: Repair structures are created for real parts and not for position parts.

Product Structure

  1. Open the Product Structure window.
  2. Query for the parts below. Use structure type Repair in the query.
  3. For each part in the table below add a few lines of extra material to be used during repair as component lines. The component parts must exist as inventory parts first.
Site Structure Type Parts
XX90 Repair XX_A;XX_B ; XX_C ; XX_A1 ; XX_A2 ; XX_A11 ; XX_A12 ; XX_A13

Define Disassembly and Assembly Routings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define disassembly and assembly routings. The routings are later used as a basis for creating maintenance level routings, which are subsets of operations used during assembly and disassembly for a given maintenance level.

Note: Disassembly and assembly routings are automatically created during transfer for all position parts that have components. However, it is necessary to manually add sets of operations for each routing.


  1. Open the Routing window.
  2. Query for the assembly and disassembly position parts listed below on your site.
  3. Add at least three operations for each routing. You may use standard operations and/or routing templates. Make sure you enter set up time and run factor for both machine and labor time.
Site Work Centre Routing Type Position Parts
XX90 1 Disassembly PP/XX_ENG ; PP/XX_A ; PP/XX_A1;   
XX90 1 Assembly PP/XX_ENG ; PP/XX_A ;  PP/XX_A1;   

Define Disposition Routings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define disposition routings. Disposition routings are necessary to have in order to create disposition shop orders later on in the work flow.

Note: Disposition routings are automatically created for all position parts during the transfer process. However, you need however to manually add operations to the routings. These will represent the operations needed for inspection, cleaning, testing etc., during the disposition.


  1. Open the Routing window.
  2. Query for the position parts listed below on your site. Use routing type Disposition in the query.  
  3. Add at least one operation for each routing. If you like you can use standard operations or the copy/paste function to make it easier. Make sure to enter set up time and run factor for both machine and labor time.
Site Work Centre Routing Type Position Parts
XX90 1 Disposition PP/XX_A ; PP/XX_B ; PP/XX_C ; PP/XX_A1 ; PP/XX_A2 ; PP/XX_A11 ; PP/XX_A12 ; PP/XX_A13

Define Repair Routings

Purpose:The purpose of this exercise is to define repair routings. The repair routings are later used as a basis for creating repair code routings, which are subsets of operations for a specific repair code.

Note: Repair routings are automatically created for all real parts during transfer process. However, you need to manually add operations to the routings. These will represent a union of operations needed when performing repair work on a given part.


  1. Open the Routing window.
  2. Query for the parts below. Use routing type Repair in the query.
  3. Add at least 3 operation for each repair routing. You may use standard operations and/or routing templates. Make sure to enter set up time and run factor for both machine and labor time.
Site Structure Type Parts
XX90 Repair XX_A ;XX_B ; XX_C ; XX_A1 ; XX_A2 ;  XX_A11 ; XX_A12 ; XX_A13

Verify/Set Status to Buildable

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to change the state of previously created structures and routings to Buildable.

Structure Alternates
Routing Alternates

  1. Open the Structure Alternates window.
  2. Query for all parts on your site with structure types Assembly, Disassembly, Disposition and Repair.
  3. Select all records, right-click and then click Build to alter the status.
  4. Open the Routing Alternates window.
  5. Query for all parts on your site with structure types Assembly, Disassembly, Disposition and Repair.
  6. Select all records, right-click and then click Build to alter the status.

Note: Structures and routings of Manufacturing type are not used in IFS/Complex Assembly MRO (but still created during the transfer process) and should be left out of this exercise.