Create Serial Structure Template —Key Exercises

Note: Throughout this document, please replace any occurrences of XX with your initials, group ID, user ID or other unique prefix, in order to separate your training data from that of other students.

Main Exercises

Create Template Structure

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to create a template structure for a Engine, Jet turbine using the part revisions that you have created in previous exercises.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window.
  2. Create a New Record and in Template Part Number field, enter XX_ENG.
  3. Ensure that fields Part Rev., Template Part No., and Template Rev. get updated with values *, XX_ENG, and * respectively.
  4. Click the General tab and in the Catalog Number field, enter XX_ENG.
  5. Clear the  Allow non-unique catalog numbers check box and save.
  6. Click the Consist Of tab and create a new record.
  7. In the field Part No., enter XX_A.
  8. Clear the Configured in Seperate Template check box.
  9. Select the Minimum Configuration check box.
  10. In the field Catalog Number, enter XX_A and save the record.
  11. Repeat steps 7 to 10 for Parts XX_B and XX_C.

This completes the 1st level of the structure, and you are ready to define level 2.

  1. Select the Row which contains XX_A. Right click and then click Next Level.
  2. Click the Consist Of tab and create a new records for component parts XX_A1 and XX_A2 and save.

This completes the 2nd level of the structure, and you are ready to define level 3.

  1. Select the Row which contains XX_A1. Right click and then click Next Level.
  2. Click the Consist Of tab and create a new records for component parts XX_A1, XX_A2 and XX_A3 and save.

Exceptions: For XX_A11, set Quantity equals 4. Do not set XX_A12 as part of the minimum configuration.


You can find the details in the following table.

Part No Configured in Separate Template Minimum Configuration Quantity Catalog Number
XX_A No Yes 1 XX_A
XX_B No Yes 1 XX_B


No Yes 1



No Yes 1



No Yes 1



No Yes 4



No No 1



No Yes 1


Define Template Alternate

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define alternate parts that can be used in a structure.

Serial Structure Template
Serial Structure Template/Alternates/Template Alternates

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window. 
  2. Query for Part Number and Template Part Number XX_ENG.
  3. Click the Alternates/Template Alternates tab and create a new record.
  4. In the Installed Part Number field, enter XX_C.
  5. In the Installed Part Revision field, enter *.
  6. In the Interchangeability Code field, enter 2.
  7. In the Alternate Part Number field, enter XX_C_ALT1.
  8. In the Alternate Part Revision field, enter *.
  9. Save the Record.

Make Template Structure Active

Purpose: As the template structure of Engine, Jet turbine is now complete, you are ready to set the structure template to Active.

Serial Structure Template

  1. Open the Serial Structure Template window
  2. Query for your XX_ENG Engine.
  3. Right-click in the window header, point to Status, and then click Set Active.  Note: This operation is irreversible.
  4. Click the General tab and verify that the State field displays Active.
  5. Your template structure is now ready to build serial structure upon.

Define Stress Ratings

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to define stress ratings for the template for the Engine, Jet turbine. In this example, we will define two stress ratings: High and Low.

Stress Ratings

  1. Open the Stress Ratings window.
  2. Create a new record, and in the field Stress Rating Template Part No, enter XX_ENG.
  3. In the field Stress Rating Template Part Rev., enter *.
  4. In the field Stress Rating ID, enter XX_HIGH.
  5. In the field Stress Rating Description, enter High - Arctic Climate and save the record.
  6. Create another record for the same template part where XX_LOW as the Stress Rating ID and Low - Europe as the Stress Rating Description. Save the record.
  7. Select the Record with Stress Rating ID XX_HIGH. Right click and then click Set Default. This action will set XX_HIGH as the default stress rating for the Template part No. XX_ENG.

Define Life Limits

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define life limits for the created rim part. 

Serial Part Revision

  1. Open the Serial Part Revision window.
  2. Query for the part number XX_B, Rev *.
  3. Click the Life Limit tab and enter 100 in the Forewarning Days field.
  4. Save the record.
  5. Enter 100 as the Forewarning Days for parts XX_A11 and XX_A12 in similar way.
  6. Query for the part number XX_B, Rev *.
  7. Right-click and then click Get Stress Ratings.
  8. Stress rating IDs are retrieved for all the template parts where the Module B is included.
  9. Select the Record with XX_HIGH as the Stress Rating ID from Templates table.
  10. Enter 1000 as the value for field Life Limit in Life Limits table.
  11. Similarly, Enter Life Limit values according to the following table.
Part Number Stress Rating Life Limit
XX_B XX_LOW 2000
XX_A11 XX_HIGH 5000


XX_LOW 10000


XX_HIGH 1200


XX_LOW 2400