Initial Exercises—Handle Customer Support 1

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercise(s) is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating the basic functionality in Handle Customer Support, which entails:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, it is extremely important that you set up and work within your own site to maintain your data integrity. If you work within any other site, you will compromise your own exercise data as well as the data of other students. Predictable exercise results require that your data be isolated in your own site.

Entering a Support Issue

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for entering a support issue.


Data Type Value Description
Support Center User MIKA Mika Häkkinen (the teacher's user)
ALAIN Alain Prost
Solution Type FAQ To create a Frequently Asked Question page
Site 1 Main Plant
Sales Part  58-591 Wheel Cover, Yellow
Customer 1010 Swedish Customer

Additional Prerequisites: Make sure your computer has a temp directory directly under C (C:\temp).

Quick Register of Support Issue

  1. Open the Quick Register of Support Issue window.
  2. Create a new support issue and enter Bad painting quality as a short description in the Subject field.
  3. Enter John Johnson as the calling customer in the Contact Name field, and Quality Inspection at Customer Site to indicate the calling department at the customer in the Contact Reference field.
  4. Give a full description of the problem in the Item Message field, and click Save. For example: "Imperfections in the painting of the parts in the last delivery. The tone of the color does not correspond to earlier deliveries. The customer would like to know if this is just an accidental occurrence or if the technical specification of the part is changed."
  5. Save the support issue and remember the issue ID.

Managing a Support Issue

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for managing a support issue.

Support Issue

  1. Open the Support Issue window.
  2. Query for your previously entered support issue.
  3. Enter the business references, such as 1010 for the customer number in the Customer No field or 1 for the site. Select Sales Part as the business object, and enter the sales part, 58-591, as the object ID.

Note: The description of your object should appear if you have specified a valid value.

  1. Classify the issue as a quality issue, and make sure the priority is Problem. Since this issue is considered a question, the Issue Type should be changed to Question. The Status should be maintained and therefore still New.
  2. Assign the issue to another support center user; in this case, set the Assign ID field to ALAIN.
  3. Save the support issue, note the additional information in the Issue History field.
  4. Log off as user MIKA.

Gather Information from Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for how you can gather information regarding a support issue.

Support Issue

  1. Log on as user ALAIN.
  2. Open the Support Issue window, and query for your support issue.
  3. Set the status to Open and save the issue. Note the additional information in Issue History.
  4. Right-click and then click Send Mail.
  5. Enter your own e-mail address in the To field (since we do not have a customer e-mail address). 
  6. The information available from the support issue is pre-entered. State that you would like to have additional information, "I would like you to specify the quality problem more. Would you please send me the serial number of at least one of the parts in question."
  7. Click Send. The customer informs you of more details of the problem, and also the serial numbers.
  8. Enter the supplementary information in the Item Message field. For example, "The parts are flame like. The serial numbers are 12345, 12346, and 12347."
  9. Save the support issue.
  10. The new information points to problems on a specific day.
  11. Create a new item message with the complete description of the problem. For example, "We had some problems in our painting process the day these parts were painted."
  12. Change the status to Completed. Re-assign the support issue to the original user, in this case MIKA.
  13. Save the support issue, noting the additional information in the Issue History field.
  14. Log off as user ALAIN and log on as user MIKA.
  15. The original user can now review the support issue. Since the user finds the information sufficient, he or she changes the status to Closed and saves the issue.

Creating a Support Solution

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for creating a support solution.

Support Issue
Support Solution

  1. Open the Support Issue window and query for your support issue.
  2. Right-click and then click Create Support Solution.
  3. Make sure the solution type is FAQ.
  4. Add supplementary information to the solution/answer regarding who to contact if the same problem occurs. For example, "If you experience this problem, please contact"
  5. Save the support solution, and remember the Solution ID.

Publishing the Support Solution

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for generating an HTML page from a support solution.

Support Solution

  1. Open the Support Solution window and query for your support solution.
  2. Make sure the solution type is FAQ.
  3. Right-click and then click Generate HTML Page.
  4. The basic data information regarding file name will be given in the File Name field.
  5. Click Generate to generate the HTML page.
  6. Open the temp directory and view the HTML page.

Note: The generated HTML page will not be located on your local C-drive when running the application via a Terminal Server. It will be located on the machine used by the Terminal Server. Check the drives on the Terminal Server in order to find your HTML page.