Direct Debiting Payment—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own customer to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data must be isolated in your own company.

Basic Data Setup

Customer Payment Information

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up the basic data for the customer, required for running this particular functionality.


  1. Open the Customer window, and query for your customer(s).
  2. Click the Payment tab.
  3. Select At Proposal parameter from the Payement Advice list.
  4. Specify at least one of the payment methods for direct debiting in EUR (SEPADD or SEPADB or ABEUR or EZEUR) as possible payment method for the customer.
  5. Enter electronic payment addresses for the entered payment methods. Enter a value in the account owner field if the customer is not the owner of the account.

Payment Institutes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to connect a payment method (payment format) to a payment institute. You also need to define an output directory where the file should be placed if the output type of the used payment format is File.

Payment Institutes

  1. Open the Payment Institutes window, and populate.
  2. Select the payment institute that you are going to use, right-click, and click Payment Method per Institute.
  3. Make sure that the payment method you connected to the customer (SEPADD or SEPACD or ABEUR or EZEUR) is selected.
  4. Define the output file directory for the selected payment method, e.g., "C:/Temp" (not necessary for payment formats with output type XML, e.g. SEPADD or SEPADB).
  5. If format specific info per institute is needed (e.g. for SEPA formats), right-click and click Format Specific Info per Institute to open the Format Specific Info per Institute window appears.
  6. Enter the information and save.

Payment Advise Text

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define the texts for direct debiting proposal advices. The text in proposal advice should inform the debited customer that his/her bank account will be debited.


    Message Text

  1. Open the Message Texts window in Payment Basic Data/General Payment.
  2. Click New, select document type DD Proposal Advice, enter a letter title (e.g. Direct Debiting Notification) in the Description field, and a letter text in the Text field and Save.
  3. Select a row to translate the description and the text, right-click and click Translation Description or Translation Message Text to open the Company Attribute Translations window.
  4. Click New, select translation key DDPROPOSALADV^DESCRIPTION from the list of values, select the language code from the list of values and enter the translation for the description in the Current Translation field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click New, select translation key DDPROPOSALADV^MESSAGE_TEXT from the List of Values

  7. select the language code from the list of values and enter the translation for the message text in the Current Translation field.
  8. Click
  9. Save


Required Data

Enter and Post a Customer Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter the data required for the Create Payment Document Proposal functionality.

  1. Enter a few Customer Invoices in currency EUR for the customers above.

General exercise for Manual Customer Invoices 

Main Exercise

Direct Debiting Proposal

Create a Direct Debiting Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a direct debiting proposal, which is the first step in the automatic direct debiting payment process.

Customer Payment Proposals

  1. Open the Customer Payment Proposals window, right-click, and click Create Direct Debiting Proposal. The Create Direct Debiting Proposal window appears.
  2. Change the until-plan pay date to a date at least one month from today.
  3. In the Payment Method field enter the direct debiting payment method for EUR, which you set up for your customer(s).
  4. Clear the Use Only Default Payment Method check box.
  5. Click OK to create your new proposal.
  6. Select the payment proposal line, right-click, and then click Details. The Payment Proposal Details window appears. You can now see the individual invoices/installments that are due for payment.

Modify Direct Debiting Proposal Details

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to modify direct debiting proposal details like discount percentages or payment references.

Customer Payment Proposals
Customer Payment Proposals Details
Customer Analysis

  1. Open the Customer Payment Proposals window and populate it.
  2. Select a payment proposal row, right-click and click Details to open the The Payment Proposal Details window.
  3. Modify the Matched Amount field for an installment to create a partial payment, and enter information for the payer in the Payment Reference field.
    : The payment reference field of an installment cannot be modified if a customer invoice creation method is used in the company.
  4. Modify the Discount Percentage field for another installment, and verify the recalculated discount and payment amount fields.
  5. Save the modifications.
  6. Open the Customer Analysis window, search for the customer and verify the entered payment reference in the invoice.

Print Direct Debiting Proposal Advices


The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to print direct debiting proposal advices. Direct debiting proposal advices are created to notify the payer before the direct debiting order is sent to the payment institute. 

Customer Payment Proposals
Report Archive

  1. Open the Customer Payment Proposals window and populate it.

  2. Select the direct debiting proposal line, right-click, and then click Print Payment Advices. The Print Payment Advices dialog box appears.

  3. Open the Report Archive window to preview the proposal advice(s).

Note: If the customer is selected to use output media email in the Payment tab of the Customer window, payment advice is directly sent to customer in a email.


Acknowledge Direct Debiting Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to acknowledge the proposal.

Customer Payment Proposals

  1. Open the Customer Payment Proposals window, and populate it.
  2. Select your proposal line, right-click, and then click Acknowledge. The status field changes from Created to Acknowledged.

Unacknowledge Direct Debiting Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to reopen and unacknowledge the proposal.

Customer Payment Proposals

  1. Open the Customer Payment Proposals window,, and populate it.
  2. Select your proposal line, right-click, and then click Unacknowledge. The status field changes back from Acknowledged to Created.

Create Electronic Direct Debiting Order

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to use the acknowledged direct debiting proposal and to create an electronic direct debiting order.

Customer Payment Proposals
Report Archive

  1. Open the Customer Payment Proposals window, and populate it.
  2. Make sure that your proposal is acknowledged.
  3. Select your proposal line, right-click, and then click Create Direct Debiting Order
  4. Enter the payment method that will be used, or select one from the List of Values. 
  5. Clear the Use Only Default Payment Method check box.
  6. Enter the payment institute to which the file will be sent, or select one from the List of Values. Use the payment institute connected to the direct debiting format.
  7. Click OK. The cash accounts for the payment appear in the Cash Accounts window.
  8. Click OK. The Create Order Results dialog box appears, showing the payment order ID, and the file name and destination.
  9. Click OK to close the window.
  10. Open the Report Archive window, and search for your payment advice with Report Title Payment Advise. You can see the payment order ID and the output media in the Notes field.

Cancellation of Direct Debiting Order

Cancel Included Invoice Direct Debiting

Purpose: A direct debiting order cannot be deleted before all included items are canceled. The Cancel Included Invoice Direct Debiting activity is used when specific invoices/installments and prepayments for a specific direct debiting order ID are to be canceled.

Customer Payment Orders

  1. Open the Customer Payment Orders window, and populate it.
  2. Select your proposal line, right-click, and then click Details.
  3. Select one invoice/installment line, right-click, and then click Cancel. The status of the invoice changes from unacknowledged to canceled.

Note: All included invoices/installments and pre-payments must be cancelled before you can cancel the whole direct debiting order.

Restore Canceled Invoice

Purpose: The Restore Canceled Invoice activity changes the cancellation back if an invoice/installment was excluded by mistake.

Customer Payment Orders

  1. Open the Customer Payment Orders window, and populate it.
  2. Select your proposal line, right-click, and then click Details.
  3. Select one invoice/installment line with status Cancelled, right-click, and then click Restore. The status of the invoice changes back from canceled to unacknowledged.

Acknowledge and Create Direct-Debiting Payment

Acknowledge Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to confirm a payment. This is usually done after the payment institutes have processed the payments.

Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders

  1. Open the Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders window, and populate it.
  2. Select the payment that you want to acknowledge. Right-click and then click Enter Acknowledgment of Payment.
  3. Enter the bank fees connected to the payment, if applicable.
  4. Click OK to confirm. The Acknowledgment check box is now selected.

Create Payment

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create the payments within the system from an acknowledged direct debiting. A created payment results in paid invoices/installments and a voucher that is transferred to the hold table.

Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders

  1. Open the Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders window, and populate it. Select the acknowledged payment that you want to create. 
  2. Right-click and then click Create Payment.
  3. Payment parameters are displayed. Click OK to confirm. A message box with information about the payment.
  4. Click OK  to confirm. The payment is no longer displayed in the Acknowledge Customer Payment Orders window.

View Payment Details

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to view the results of the payment.

Customer Payments Analysis

  1. Open the Customer Payments Analysis window, and populate it.
  2. Select the payment for which you want to view details, right-click, and then click Customer Payment Details to see which invoices/installments were included in the payment.
  3. Select one of the included invoices/installments, right-click, and then click Customer Details to view all invoices for the current customer. Verify that the included invoices have been paid. You can also open this window directly from the Navigator.