Customer Invoicing—Basic Data and Requirements Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own customer to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data is isolated in your own company.

Main Exercise


Company Basic Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how how to use the parameters on a company level that control the customer invoicing process.


  1. Open the Company window.
  2. Query for your company (F3).
  3. Click the Invoice tab. Click the General sub tab. The parameters shown were created as default values when the company was created.
  4. Make sure that the parameters are set correctly.
  5. In the Page Footing field, enter the page footing you want to print on customer invoices. 

Note: Enter the information using the following format, pressing Enter between every row. The ^ symbol is used to separate the data printed on customer invoices.

Row Text
1 Street^Address
2 Postal^Code^City
3 Country
  1. Click the Tax Information sub tab. The parameters shown were created as default values when the company was created.
  2. Make sure that the parameters are set correctly, depending on what type of indirect taxes you want to use in your company.
Tax Regime Create Posting at Invoice Entry Invoice Fee Tax Code Tax ID Numbers
Use only VAT VAT Checked If required in your country, specify a tax code to use for invoice fee In the Tax Liability Countries table, specify your company's TAX ID number for its home country. The Tax ID number will be printed in the footer on customer invoices.
Use only Sales Tax  Sales Tax Checked/Unchecked Not used In the Tax Liability Countries table, specify your company's TAX ID number for its home country. The Tax ID number will be printed in the footer on customer invoices.
Use both VAT and Sales Tax  Mixed Checked/Unchecked If required in your country, specify a tax code to use for invoice fee In the Tax Liability Countries table, specify your company's TAX ID number for its home country. The Tax ID number will be printed in the footer on customer invoices.


   8.     Save the information (F12).



Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up invoice information for a customer. Customer information is specified in several tabs. Some tabs are general and are used by all components, and some tabs are component specific. When you open the Customer window, you will see both the general tabs and one tab per installed component.


  1. Open the Customer window.
  2. Query for your customer (F3).
  3. Go to the Address tab and Click the Tax information sub tab. Make sure you have the following data. If not enter as follows

    Company Tax Regime Tax Liability Tax Free Tax Code Tax Identity No.
    Your own company ID Tax regime defaulted from the company Taxable - -

    Note: If this is a non taxable customer and the customer's Tax Regime is VAT or Mixed, then you must set the Tax Liability to Exempt and specify a Tax Free Tax code. If the Tax Regime of the customer is Sales Tax or Mixed, you must enter sales tax codes in the Taxes sub tab. 

    If the Tax Liability of the customer is Exempt, you may fill in Tax Exempt Info sub tab.

  4. Save the information (F12).
  5. Go to the Invoice tab. Make sure you have the following data. If not enter as follows
  6. Company Customer Type Currency Customer Group Payment Term Tax Code, Manual Customer Invoice
    Your own company ID External Your own accounting currency 0, External 20, 20 Days Net 1, tax with no reduction 25%

Note. . If the tax regime of the customer is Sales Tax, Tax Code Manual Customer Invoice should be lift blank.

  1. Save the information (F12).


Delivery Types

Purpose: Delivery types can be used to control and report different types of sales and purchases within the European Union. This exercise shows you how to prepare two types of trade.

Delivery Types

  1. Open the Delivery Types window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Make sure you have the following data. If not enter as follows:
Type ID Description
SER Services
  1. Save the information (F12). The delivery types are now ready to be used when you process customer invoices from both instant invoicing and customer order invoicing.

Invoice Series and Invoice Number Series

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up the invoice series used in customer invoicing.

Invoice Series

  1. Open the Invoice Series window.
  2. Populate the window (F2). All invoice series that were created when your company was created are displayed.
  3. Enter a new invoice series to use for instant customer invoices by specifying an invoice series ID and a description.
  4. Save the information (F12).
  5. Right-click and then click Invoice Number Series.
  6. Add a new record and specify the start value (e.g., 1), end value (e.g., 999999), and next value (e.g., 1).
  7. Save the information (F12).

Note: Once the invoice number series is saved, the next value cannot be changed. It is automatically updated for each invoice that is created. Also note that the invoice series and numbers will be printed on the invoices produced, e.g., instant invoices, interest invoices, project invoices, and customer order invoices.

Report Codes and Report Code Values

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to set up report codes and report code values to be used with customer invoice types which will be helpful

Tax Report Codes for Argentina
Customer Invoice Types

  1. Open the Tax Report Codes for Argentina window.
  2. Populate the window so that it displays the five system-defined report codes. (F2)
  3. Use the Internal Name field to modify the internal name. This internal name will be used in all windows where report codes are added.
  4. Save the information (F12).
  5. Open the Customer Invoice Types window.
  6. Query for the invoice type for which you want to enter report code values.
  7. Select a row, right-click and click Combinations per Invoice Type. The Combinations per Invoice Type window will be displayed.
  8. Select a row, right-click and click Report Code Values to display the Report Code Values window.
  9. Select the table area and create a new record to enter report code values. All the five available system report codes will be displayed in the Report Code column.
  10. Enter the desired alphanumeric report code values in the corresponding Value fields.
  11. Save the information. (F12)

Invoice Types

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create an invoice type and connect it to your invoice series.

Customer Invoice Types

  1. Open the Customer Invoice Types window.
  2. Populate the window (F2). All invoice types that were created when your company was created are displayed.
  3. Enter a new invoice type for instant invoices as shown below, using the invoice series you created in the previous exercise.
Invoice Type Allow Tax Default Tax Code Reference Mandatory Preliminary Series ID Definite Series ID Layout ID Report Footing
Enter new type Selected Leave empty Cleared Enter PR Select your Series ID Enter INSTANT_INVOICE_REP Leave empty
  1. Save the information (F12).

Note: You can now use this invoice type when entering instant invoices.

Invoice Information per Currency

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to set up currency-related invoice information, such as invoice fees per currency.

Invoice Information per Currency

  1. Open the Invoice Information per Currency window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. Make sure you have the data shown below. If not enter as follows:
Currency Rounding Factor Invoice Fee Amount Invoice Fee Threshold Amount Print EURO Amount on Invoice
SEK 1 20 100 Selected
USD 0.1 2 10 Cleared
  1. Save the information (F12).

Note: If the invoice amount is less than the invoice fee threshold amount, an invoice fee will be added to the invoice if that is specified for the customer.

Customer Groups

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a new customer group. Customer groups allow you to separate customers in queries and reports and to separate accounting transactions. Customer groups are a control type that may be used to control the Accounts Receivable postings (customer claims) in posting control.

Customer Groups

  1. Open the Customer Groups window.
  2. Populate the window (F2). A number of customer groups that were created when you created the company will be displayed.
  3. Create a new record (F5).
  4. Enter a customer group using the following information:
Customer Group Description Use Collective Voucher
Enter a new number Enter a description  Cleared
  1. Save the information (F12).

Note: When you create a new customer group, you must also check whether you need to create additional posting control details. For more information, see the Posting Control exercise below. You can connect your customers to this customer group. For more information, see the Invoice exercise above.

Accounting Rules

Posting Control

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to set up the posting types used in customer invoicing.

Posting Control

  1. Open the Posting Control window.
  2. Query for all posting types starting with IP% (F3). All posting types used for both customer invoices and supplier invoices will be displayed. The posting types shown below are used for customer invoices.
  3. Verify that the following values are displayed: 
Posting Type Description Code Part Name Control Type
IP2 Accounts Receivable Customer Claims Account IC2 Customer Group
IP4 Tax Disbursed, Customer Invoice Account AC7 Tax Code
IP6 Invoice Fee Account AC1 Fixed Value
IP7 Invoice Rounding Account AC1 Fixed Value
IP10 Tax Disbursed, Calculated (Only Used for EU Tax) Account AC7 Tax Code
  1. Select the line for IP2 Customer Claims, then right-click and click Details. The posting control details for each customer group will be displayed.
  2. Create a new record (F5) for your customer group. Enter your group as the customer group, select an Accounts Receivable (customer claims) account from the List of Values, and then enter a valid date interval.
  3. Save the information (F12).

Tax Codes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how to set up tax codes. 

Tax Codes

Note:  The use of tax code types depends on tax regime of the company as well as the customers.

  1. Open the Tax Codes window.
  2. Populate the window (F2). All existing tax codes are now displayed. 
  3. If your company has customers with tax regime VAT or Mixed, enter a new tax code with the information shown below.
Tax Code Description Percentage Valid From Valid To Tax Type Tax Method Tax Received Tax Method Tax Disbursed Deductible %
Enter a number Enter a description 4 Beginning of the year End of the year Tax Invoice Entry Invoice Entry 100

If your company has customers with tax regime Sales Tax or Mixed, enter a new tax code with the information shown below.

Tax Code Description Percentage Valid From Valid To Tax Type Tax Method Tax Received Tax Method Tax Disbursed Deductible %
Enter a code Enter a description 6 Beginning of the year End of the year Sales Tax Invoice Entry Invoice Entry 100


If you create a Surcharge VAT code, it can be connected to a normal VAT code. Select the appropriate VAT code and right click the Details to connect the Surcharge VAT code to the normal VAT code. Sales Tax codes can also be connected together in the same way.

If you add a tax code, you may need to add additional information in the Posting Control window. If Tax Code is used as a control type for the tax postings, you must add a line for the new tax code and connect it to an appropriate account.