Initial Exercises—Customer Credit Management

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating the basic functionality in Customer Credit Management, which entails:

Customer Credit Information

Credit Management Notes on Invoice Header

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter notes in an invoice header. These notes can be used to record comments on the invoice, such as the last contact with the customer or reasons for late payment.

Customer Invoice Analysis

  1. Query for 1010, Swedish Customer. You now see the invoices connected to Swedish Customer.
  2. Select your invoice line, right-click, and click Customer Invoice Details.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Customer Invoice Analysis window and then click Credit Management Notes.
  4. Create a new row.
  5. Enter a number in the No column. Select the line, right-click, and click Note Text.
  6. Enter any note that you feel is appropriate to describe the current credit situation for this customer and this invoice. Click OK to exit the note window.

Note:  The Text column now has a checked box indicating that notes exist for this invoice header. 

  1. Save your changes.

Customer Interest Invoicing

Create Interest Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create an interest proposal and view included customer invoices/installments.

Customer Interest Proposals

  1. Right-click and then click Create Proposal. The Create Interest Proposal window appears. The user ID, create date, and interest calculation date appears automatically in this window.
  2. Enter a date that is 10 days from today in the Interest Calculation Date field. 
  3. Enter the accounting currency in the Currency field. 
  4. Enter Template 1 in the Interest Template field.
  5. Enter 1010 in the From Customer field.
  6. Enter 1010 in the To Customer field. 
  7. Click OK. The interest invoice proposal is created.
  8. Right-click and then click Interest Invoicing Proposal Details to view the included customers.
  9. Select the line with your customer, right-click, and click Invoices per Proposal to see the included invoices/installments for your customer.

Customer Reminders

Create Reminder Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a reminder proposal and view included customers and invoices/installments.

Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Right-click and then click Create Proposal. The Create Reminder Proposal window appears. The user ID, create date, and reminder date  appears automatically in this window.
  2. Change the reminder date to three weeks from today.

Note: Since we left the fields for Currency and Template ID blank in the window Create Reminder Proposal,  all currencies and templates will be included in the reminder proposal.

  1. Enter 1010 in the fields for From Customer and To Customer in the window Create Reminder Proposal.
  2. Click OK to confirm. 
  3. Select the line with your reminder proposal, right-click, and then click Reminder Proposal Details. Now you can view the customers included in your proposal.
  4. Select one customer line, right-click, and then click Invoices per Proposal. Now you can view all invoices/installments included in the reminder proposal for your customer.