Customer Reminders—Key Exercises

It is extremely important that you set up and work within your own company and with your own customer to maintain your data integrity. If you work with any other objects, your exercises will not function as intended and the data of other students might be affected. Predictable exercise results require that your data is isolated in your own company.

Basic Data Setup

Reminder Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to set up general information for a new reminder template.

Reminder Templates

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and create a new record.

  2. In the General tab, enter the following information:

Template Description Accepted Delay Create Reminder Invoices Not Due Customer Credits Include Invoices That Already Reached the Highest Reminder Level
2 New reminder template 5 Select Select Select Select
  1. Save your changes.

Reminder Levels

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to define reminder levels for your new reminder template including reminder texts with substitution variables.

Reminder Templates

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window, click on the Reminder Levels tab, and create a new record.
  2. Enter the following information:
Level Title Min Days to next Reminder Reminder Text
First Reminder 10 Please pay invoices due for payment. Payments are included until <PI>.
  Second Reminder 5 Now it is time to pay invoices due for payment. We expect now your payment until <PD>. Payments are included until <PI>.
Third Reminder 5 This is the last reminder. We expect your payment until <PD>. Payments are included until <PI>.
  1. Save your changes.

Note:  The levels are generated automatically when you save your entries.

Reminder Fee

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter reminder fee per reminder level for the new reminder template.


Reminder Template

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and open the Reminder Levels tab

  2. Select the row having reminder level 2, right-click, and click Reminder Fee per Level to open Reminder Fee per Level window.

  3. Enter the following information:
    Currency Reminder Fee
    SEK 25
    EUR 3,00
    USD 5,00

  4. Save your changes.

  5. Return to the Reminder Levels tab.

  6. Select the row having reminder level 3, right-click, and click Reminder Fee per Level to open Reminder Fee per Level window in order to enter the reminder fee for reminder level 3.

  7. Enter the following information:
    Currency Reminder Fee
    SEK 50
    EUR 5,00
    USD 8,00

  8. Save your changes.

Required Data


Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter an AR Contact and to connect it to the customer.

  1. Open the AR Contact window.
  2. Click New and enter AR Contact, name, phone and email-address.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Open the Customer window and search for your customer.
  5. Select the Payment tab.
  6. Display the company specific payment data of the customer by selecting your company from the company list box.
  7. Enter or change the AR Contact using the List of Values.

Customer Invoice

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to enter customer invoices that will be used in the exercises below.

  1. Enter five invoices for your customer.
  2. Post and save these invoices. The due date for these invoices/installments should be in the past. The due dates and amounts must be used as listed in the table below.
  3. Pay the invoice partially for which a partial payment is given in the table below. Enter a payment date four weeks back from today. You can also enter and post an invoice with gross amount 2 instead of paying the invoice partially.
  4. Enter an invoice note or each invoice.
Invoice Number Due Date for the invoice Currency Invoice Amount Partial Payment Open Amount
INV#1 four weeks back from today EUR 250 245 5
INV#2 four weeks back from today EUR 100 98 2
INV#3 four weeks back from today EUR 1200   1200
INV#4 three weeks back from today EUR 1400   1400
INV#5 two weeks back from today EUR 1000   1000



Main Exercises 

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a customer reminder proposal and to print reminder letters.


View Reminders Template

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to view which reminder template is connected to which invoice/installment.

Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice

  1. Populate the window.
  2. For one invoice at a time you can see what reminder template in connected and what reminder level each installment has reached

Update Reminder Template in Invoices per Customer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to update the invoice installments with the new reminder template.



  1. Open the Customer window and search for your customer.

  2. Open the Payment tab, and select a company using the Company list to display payment data for your customer.

  3. Change the value in Reminder Template field from 1 to 2.

  4. Click Save. An information message will be displayed whether you want to update reminder/interest info of open installments with new reminder template. Click Yes to update.

  5. Click Ok to confirm the information message.

Note: You can follow-up the change of installments in Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice window.



  1. Open the Customer window and search for your customer.

  2. Open the Payment tab, and select a company using the Company list to display payment data for your customer.

  3. Change the value in Reminder Template field from 1 to 2.

  4. Click Save. An information message will be displayed whether you want to update reminder/interest info of open installments with new reminder template. Click No and the reminder/interest info is not updated.

  5. Right-Click and click Update Reminder/Interest Info with Reminder Template and an information message will be displayed whether you want to update now the reminder/interest info.

  6. Click Yes to update.

  7. Click Ok to confirm the information message.

Note: The alternative above can be used to update reminder/interest info at a later time.


Create Reminder Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a reminder proposal and view included customers and invoices/installments.

Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Customer Reminder Proposal window.
  2. Right-click and then click Create Proposal to open Create Proposal dialog box. The user ID, create date and reminder date appears automatically in this window.
  3. Change the reminder date to three weeks back from today.
  4. Open the Selections tab. By default the AR selection template will be displayed in the Template ID field .
  5. Enter your customer in the From Value field and To Value field for the row with selection object description Customer ID. You can also select your customer using the List of Values.

Note: Since the selections for Currency and Reminder Template was left blank, all currencies and templates will be included in the reminder proposal.

  1. Click Ok to confirm. 

Note: A reminder proposal is now created for the selected customer using the values entered. 

  1. Select the row with your reminder proposal, right-click, and click Reminder Proposal Details. Now you can view the customers included in your proposal.

  2. Select a customer row, right-click, and then click Invoices per Proposal. Now you can view all invoices/installments included in the reminder proposal for your customer.


  1. Open the Customer Reminder Proposal window.
  2. Right-click and click Create Proposal to open the Create Proposal dialog box. The user ID, create date and reminder date is displayed automatically in this window.
  3. Select the Substitution Variable option and select #YESTERDAY# from the list of substitution variables. The date corresponding to the selected substitution variable will be used as the reminder date when the reminder proposal is created.
  4. Open the Selections tab. The Template ID field by default displays the default AR selection template.
  5. Enter your customer in the From Value field and To Value field for the row with selection object Customer ID. You can also select your customer using the List of Values.
  6. Click Schedule to open the Create New Schedule Task window.
  7. Select the Scheduled option from the Schedule group box.
  8. Select the Date and Time at which the reminder proposal should be created by the background job.
  9. Select the Language to be used by the background job.
  10. Click Save to initiate the schedule for the scheduled task.
  11. You can follow-up the scheduled task using Scheduled Database Tasks window and Background Jobs window.
  12. Open the Customer Reminder Proposal window and populate the reminder proposal(s) when the background jobs have reached the Ready status.

Note: The alternative procedure given above can be also used to schedule customer reminder proposals as a background job at regular intervals, e.g. weekly on Monday night.

Important: If you have used the alternative procedure given in the exercise, remove the proposal and create a new proposal with the reminder date, dated back three weeks in order to get the result required by the next exercise.

Exclude Invoices from a Reminder

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to exclude an invoice/installment  manually from a reminder proposal.

Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Populate the window.

  2. Select the line with your reminder proposal, right-click, and click Reminder Proposal Details.

  3. Select the customer line, right-click, and click Invoices per Proposal.

  4. Select the invoice/installment row INV#1. In the Status list for the Status field, click Excluded.

  5. Select the invoice/installment row INV#2. Right-Click and click Exclude. The status of this row will be changed to Excluded.

  6. Save your changes.

Note: The Total Amount Due Excluded field and the Excluded Total Amount Due for Customer field in the installment line have changed.

View additional information

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to view additional information for a reminder item.

Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Populate the window.

  2. Select the row of your reminder proposal, right-click, and click Reminder Proposal Details.

  3. Select the customer row, right-click, and click Invoices per Proposal.

  4. Select an invoice/installment row and right-click and click Invoice Analysis to open Customer Invoice Analysis window.

  5. Select an invoice/installment row and right-click and click Reminder Interest Info to open Reminder Interest Info per Customer Invoice window.

  6. Select an invoice/installment row and right-click and click Invoice Notes/Pre Payment Notes to open Notes dialog box.

Print Reminder Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to print a reminder proposal.

Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Populate the window. Select the proposal line, right-click, and click Print Proposal.
  2. Click Preview. The proposal is displayed.

Acknowledge Reminder Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to acknowledge a reminder proposal.

Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Populate the window.
  2. Select the proposal line, right-click, and click Acknowledge Proposal.

Note: The reminder status changes from Created to Acknowledged.

Unacknowledge a Reminder Proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to unacknowledge  a reminder proposal.

Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Populate the window.
  2. Select the proposal line, right-click, and click Unacknowledge Proposal.

Note: The reminder status changes back to Created. Invoices can now be excluded from the proposal.

Print a Payment Reminder

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to print payment reminders to customers.

Customer Reminder Proposals

Archived Reports

  1. Populate the window. The status of the reminder must be changed to Acknowledged, i.e., select the proposal line, right-click and then click Acknowledge Proposal

  2. Select the line, right-click, and then click Print Reminder.

  3. The Reminder Print Date field will display the reminder date of the proposal automatically. Change the reminder print date to two days after the proposal date.

  4. Enter a date in the Payment Deadline field that will replace the substitution variable <PD> in the reminder text that will be printed in the reminder letter.

  5. Enter a date in the Payment Included Until field that will replace the substitution variable <PI> in the reminder text that will be printed in the reminder letter.

  6. Click Ok to complete the reminder output.

  7. Go to the Report Archive and populate. Select the line with your reminder, right-click, and then click Print.

  8. Click Preview to view your reminder.

Note: Invoices/Installments excluded from a reminder proposal will not be printed in the reminder letter. The Payment Deadline and/or the Payment Included Until date will be  printed depending on the reminder text.

Print a Payment Reminder with Reminder Fee

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to print the reminder with the next highest reminder level and to show how reminder fees are printed in the reminder letter.

Note: In order to view the correct result of this exercise, all previous exercises should have been completed precisely to detail. The previous exercises created, the reminders for level 1 for the invoices required to continue this exercise.

Customer Reminder Proposals
Archived Reports

  1. Create a new reminder proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 1 to 6, but change the reminder date to one week back from today.

  2. View the new proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 7 and 8 and the reminder level 2 should be reached this proposal.

  3. Print the reminder as per description in section Print a Payment Reminder, repeat steps 1 to 8.

Note: The reminder fee for reminder level 2 is printed in the reminder letter because the highest reminder level in the reminder has reached reminder level 2.

Use the exclude criterion Installment Amount Due Below for reminders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a reminder proposal that will have reminder items automatically in Excluded status based on Installment Amount Due Below.

Note: In order to view the correct result of this exercise, all previous exercises should have been completed precisely to detail. This exercise requires an open invoice with an open amount lesser than 3 EUR or the equivalent amount in accounting currency.


Reminder Templates

       Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for the reminder template 2.

  2. Open the General tab.

  3. Enter the amount 3 EUR in Installment Amount Due Below field or the equivalent amount in accounting currency.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Create a new reminder proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 1 to 6, but use today's date for the reminder date.

  6. View the new proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal repeat steps 7 and 8.

*Note: The invoice INV#2 with open amount of EUR 2 is displayed with Excluded status and the Exclude Reason field displays the reason Installment Amount Due. Reminder items with Excluded status will not be printed in the reminder letter and will not be included in the customer reminder history and customer reminder analysis.

  1. Do not print the reminders for this exercise but remove the reminder proposal in the Customer Reminder Proposal window after you have verified the result.

  2. Clear the Installment Amount Due Below field in the Reminder Template window.

Use the exclude criterion Reminder Blocked Until date for reminders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a reminder proposal that will display the reminder items automatically in Excluded status based on the Reminder Blocked Until date of an invoice installment.

Note: In order to view the correct result of this exercise, all previous exercises should have been completed precisely to detail.

Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice

       Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice window and search for the invoice INV#2 which has an open amount of 2 EUR.

  2. Enter a date three month in the future in the Reminder Blocked Until field.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Create a new reminder proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 1 to 6, but use today's date as the reminder date.

  5. View the new proposal as per the description in section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 7 and 8.

Note: The invoice INV#2 with open amount EUR 2 is displayed with Excluded status and the Exclude Reason field displays the reason Reminder Block. Reminder items with Excluded status are not printed in the reminder letter and not included in the customer reminder history and customer reminder analysis.

  1. Do not print the reminders for this exercise but remove the reminder proposal in Customer Reminder Proposal window after you have verified the result.

  2. Clear the Reminder Blocked Until field in the Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice window for invoice INV#2.

Use the exclude criteria Reminder Amount Due Below in combination with Reminder Blocked Until date for reminders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a reminder proposal which will have reminder items automatically in Excluded status based on Reminder Amount Due Below and the Reminder Blocked Until date of an invoice installment.

Note: In order to view the correct result of this exercise, all previous exercises should have been completed precisely to detail.

Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice

       Reminder Templates

       Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice window and search for the invoice INV#3 which has an open amount of 1200 EUR.

  2. Enter in Reminder Blocked Until field a date three month in the future.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for the invoices INV#4 and INV#5 accordingly.

  5. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for the reminder template 2.

  6. Open the General tab.

  7. Enter in Reminder Amount Due Below field the amount 10 EUR or the equivalent amount in accounting currency.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Create a new reminder proposal as per section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 1 to 6, but use the today's date for the reminder date.

  10. View the new proposal as per section Create Reminder Proposal , repeat steps 7 and 8.

Note: The invoices INV#3, INV#4 and INV#5 are displayed with Excluded status and the Exclude Reason field displays the reason Reminder Block. The invoices INV#1 and INV#2 are displayed with Excluded status as well, but Reminder Amount Due is displayed in the Exclude Reason field since both items have together an amount due lesser than 10 EUR and have not been excluded due to the reminder block. In general, the exclude criteria Reminder Amount Due Below and Reminder Blocked Until can be used separately. Reminder items with Excluded status will not be printed in the reminder letter and will not be included in the reminder history nor reminder analysis.

  1. Do not print the reminders for this exercise but remove the reminder proposal in Customer Reminder Proposal window after you have verified the result.

  2. Clear the value in the Reminder Blocked Until field in the Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice window for invoices INV#3, INV#4 and INV#5.

  3. Clear the value in the Reminder Amount Due Below field in the Reminder Template window.

****Use the exclude criteria Collection Level for reminders

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create a reminder proposal that will have reminder items automatically in Excluded status based on Exclude From Reminder parameter Collection Level.

Note:  In order to view the correct results of this exercise, all previous exercises should have been completed precisely to detail.

Reminder Templates

       Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for reminder template 2.

  2. Select the Reminder Levels tab.

  3. Select the Collection Level check box for reminder level 3.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Select the General tab.

  6. Select Customer from the Collection Identity list.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Create a new reminder proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 1 to 6, but use the today's date for the reminder date.

  9. View the new proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 7 to 8.

Note: The invoice INV#3 reached the reminder level 3 and this invoice and all other invoices of the customer are displayed with Excluded status and the Exclude Reason field displays the reason Collection Level. Reminder items with Excluded status will not be printed in the reminder letter and will not be included in the customer reminder history and customer reminder analysis.

  1. Do not print the reminders for this exercise but remove the reminder proposal in the Customer Reminder Proposal window after you have verified the result.

  2. Reset the exclude from reminder parameter Collection Identity in the Reminder Template window by clicking None in the Collection Identity list for the Collection Identity field.

Print AR Contact Data and Notes in the reminder letter

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show how AR Contact Data and Notes of invoices are printed in the reminder letter.

Reminder Templates

       Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for the reminder template 2.

  2. Select the Print Options tab.

  3. Select the Print AR Contact Data check box.

  4. Select the Print Notes check box.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Create a new reminder proposal as per section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat step 1 to 6, but use the today's date for the reminder date.

  7. Acknowledge the reminder proposal as per section Acknowledge Proposal.

  8. Print the reminder as per section Print a Payment Reminder, repeat steps 1 to 8.

Note: The AR Contact for the customer is printed in the letter header, the notes of the invoice are printed on the lines of the reminder items.

Print text of highest reminder level only

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show, how to print reminders with only one reminder text although reminder items with different levels are included in the reminder.

Note: In order to view the correct results of this exercise, all previous exercises should have been completed precisely to detail.


    Reminder Templates

    Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for the reminder template 2.

  2. Select the Print Options tab.

  3. Select the Print Text of Highest Level Only check box.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Create a new reminder proposal as per section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat step 1 to 6, but change the reminder date to two weeks to the future from today.

  6. View the new proposal as per description in section Create Reminder Proposal and repeat steps 7 and 8.

Note: The reminder proposal includes invoices for the customer in reminder level 3 and 2.

  1. Acknowledge the reminder proposal as per section Acknowledge Proposal.

  2. Print the reminder as per section Print a Payment Reminder and repeat steps 1 to 8.

Note: The reminder text for reminder level 3 is printed and the text for level 2 is omitted. The reminder level of an invoice is printed in the lines.

*****Use print option Consider Credit Items for Reminder Text and Fee

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to use the print option Consider Credit Items for Reminder Text and Fee  .

Note: In order to view the correct results of this exercise, all previous exercises should have been completed precisely to detail.


    Reminder Templates

    Customer Reminder Proposals

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for the reminder template with template ID 2.

  2. Select the Print Options tab.

  3. Select the Consider Credit Items for Reminder Text and Fee check box.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Enter and post a credit invoice with gross amount EUR -3650. The credit invoice should be due today.

  6. Enter and post an invoice with gross amount EUR 700. The new customer invoice should be due today.

Note: The open items of the customer including the new invoices should be as follows before creating the reminder proposal:

Invoice Number Due Date for the invoice Reminder Level Currency Amount Due
INV#3 four weeks back from today 3 EUR 1200
INV#1 four weeks back from today 2 EUR 5
INV#2 four weeks back from today 2 EUR 2
INV#4 three weeks back from today 2 EUR 1400
INV#5 two weeks back from today 2 EUR 1000
INV#6 today 0 EUR 700
CREDIT#1 today   EUR -3650
  1. Create a new reminder proposal as per section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 1 to 6, but change the reminder date to three weeks in the future from today.

  2. View the new proposal as per section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 7 and 8.

Note: The reminder proposal includes invoices for the customer in reminder level 3 and 1. The credit invoice is included with reminder level 0.

  1. Acknowledge the reminder proposal as per section Acknowledge Proposal.

  2. Print the reminder as per section Print a Payment Reminder, repeat steps 1 to 8.

Note: The reminder text of reminder level 1 is printed in the reminder letter and the reminder text for level 3 is not used because the credit invoice CREDIT#1 compensates fully for all invoices of reminder level 3. The reminder fee is not printed accordingly since there is no reminder fee connected to reminder level 1 in the reminder template. The print option affects only the printout. The installment is updated with the reminder level 3.

View Reminder Layouts

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to display the used reminder layout in the reminder template and where reminder layouts are defined.


    Reminder Templates

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window.

  2. Select the Print Options tab.

  3. Select a layout ID for the Layout ID field using the List of Values. This layout will be used when printing the reminder letter for reminders related to this template.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Right-Click and click Reminder Layouts to open the Reminder Layouts window.

Collection Level Analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to check for the items that have reached or exceeded the collection level.

Reminder Templates
Customer Reminder Proposals
Collection Level Analysis

  1. Open the Reminder Templates window and search for the reminder template 2.

  2. Select the Reminder Levels tab.

  3. Enter an additional reminder level with the following information:
    Level Title Min Days to next Reminder Reminder Text Collection Level
      Collection 7 As we did not receive a payment we started the collection process. The following items are open: Selected

  4. Save the information. Level 4 will be automatically generated. The Collection Level check box for level 3 will be unselected.

  5. Cancel credit invoice CREDIT#1.

  6. Create a new reminder proposal as per section Create Reminder Proposal, repeat steps 1 to 6, but use a date 10 days in to the future as the reminder date.

  7. Acknowledge the reminder proposal as per section Acknowledge Proposal.

  8. Print the reminder as per section Print a Payment Reminder, repeat steps 1 to 8.

  9. Open the Collection Level Analysis window.

  10. Populate. The invoices which have reached the collection level defined in the reminder template will be displayed.


View Customer Reminder History

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to display the customer reminder history.


    Customer Reminder History

  1. Open the Customer Reminder History window.

  2. Populate the window or search and query for statistical reminder information that you require.

  3. Right-click and click Reminder History Details to open the Reminder History Details window that displays all payers included in a reminder proposal for that the reminders have been printed.

  4. Right-click and click Invoices per Reminder to open Invoices per Reminder window that displays all items printed as due in the reminder letter for the selected payer, currency and reminder template.

Analyze Customer Reminder

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to analyze customer reminders.


    Customer Reminder Analysis

  1. Open the Customer Reminder Analysis window.

  2. Search and query for statistical reminder information that you require.

  3. Open the Zoom-In dialog box and select how the reminder data should be grouped and summarized, e.g. select Payer ID check box and Reminder Level check box.

  4. Click Ok and the totals per Payer ID and Reminder Level are displayed.

Alternatively with additional Zoom-In:

  1. Open the Customer Reminder Analysis window.

  2. Search and query for statistical reminder information that you require.

  3. Open the Zoom-In dialog box and select how the reminder data should be grouped and summarized, e.g. select Payer ID check box and Reminder Level check box.

  4. Click Ok and the totals per Payer ID and Reminder Level are displayed.

  5. Click Zoom-In to open the Zoom-In dialog box.

  6. Change the parameters and select the Reminder Date check box additionally to group and summarize the reminder data which you have already queried.

  7. Click Ok and the totals per Payer ID, Reminder Level and Reminder Date are displayed.

Cancel Customer Reminder

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to cancel customer reminders that have been printed for a reminder proposal.


    Customer Reminder History

  1. Open the Customer Reminder History window.

  2. Search for the reminder proposal for the reminders which have been printed that you want to cancel.

  3. Right-click and click Cancel Reminder to open Cancel Reminder dialog box.

  4. The Proposal ID of the selected reminder proposal is displayed for the reminders that should be cancelled.

  5. Click Ok to cancel the reminders or click Cancel to close the dialog box without cancelling the reminders.

Note: The reminder level and reminder date are set back to the previous level and the reminder date before the reminder was printed. You can view the reminder level and reminder date to be used by the next reminder proposal in Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice window.

  1. Right-click and click Reminder History Details to open the Reminder History Details window that displays all payers included in the reminder proposal for the reminders that are cancelled. The Cancelled check box is selected for all listed payer.

  2. Right-click and click Invoices per Reminder to open the Invoices per Reminder window. The Cancelled check box is selected for all listed items.

Cancel Customer Reminder for a payer

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to cancel a customer reminders of payer.


    Customer Reminder History

  1. Open the Customer Reminder History window.

  2. Search for the reminder proposal which includes the payer for the reminders that have been printed.

  3. Right-click and click Reminder History Details to open Reminder History Details window that displays all payers included in the reminder proposal for the reminders that have been printed.

  4. Search for the payer in the history details for which you want to cancel the reminder.

  5. Select the row with the payer and right-click and click Cancel Reminder to open the Cancel Reminder dialog box.

  6. The proposal ID ,payer ID, currency and reminder template of the selected reminder proposal is displayed for which the reminders should be cancelled.

  7. Click Ok to cancel the reminders or click Cancel to close the dialog box without cancelling the reminders.

Note: The reminder level and reminder date are set back to the previous level and the reminder date before the reminder was printed. You can view the reminder level and reminder date to be used by the next reminder proposal in Reminder/Interest Info per Customer Invoice window.

  1. The Cancelled check box is selected for the payer, reminder template and currency for which the reminder has been cancelled.

  2. Right-click and click Invoices per Reminder to open the Invoices per Reminder window. The Cancelled check box is selected for all listed items.

Clean up Reminder History

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to cancel customer reminders that have been printed for a payer.


    Customer Reminder History

  1. Open the Customer Reminder History window.

  2. Right-click and click Cleanup of Reminder History to open Cleanup of Reminder History dialog box.

  3. The current company is displayed by default in Company field. Enter another company or select one from the List of Values if necessary.

  4. Click Created Before and enter the date Created Before in order to remove the statistical data of reminder proposals with creation date less than the Created Before date.

  5. Click Ok to delete the history data.

Note: The reminders displayed in Customer Reminder History or Customer Reminder Analysis will not be available after the clean up routine process has been completed. You cannot cancel reminders which are removed from the history.