EDM Basic — Basic Data Exercises

EDM Basic - Key Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to set up the basic data that monitors the EDM (Electronic Document Management) files.

EDM Basic

Edit Document File Template

  1. Click the Document File Template tab.
  2. Populate the form (F2).
  3. Select 700 in the Document Class list.
  4. Review the template that is connected to this document class.
  5. Highlight the file template row and click the Duplicate icon (or F6).
  6. In the new row that was created, change the Language from English to Swedish (se). Use the List of Values (F8) to perform this change.
  7. Select 700 in the Template Class field.
  8. Save the changes (F12).

Note that by entering format *, the template will be valid for all types of formats.

Result: The document is now template for both Swedish and English documents of this document class.


EDM Basic - Extended Exercises

Purpose: The following exercises are only for the system administrator. These exercises explain how to define the file repositories, where the document files should be stored. You also learn how to add define a new document application that can be used by the system. This things are normally done when the system is installed and set up.

EDM Basic

Define Repository User ID

Under this tab, you register the User ID and Password for FTP repositories. This is used when the system logs on to the file repository. You must define the User ID and the Password before you can register the repository under the Repositories tab. 

  1. Click the Repository Address and User tab.
  2. Create a new row.
  3. Enter the information required:
  4. Also enter a description (not required).
  5. Save (F12) the new repository information.

Define Repositories

It is possible to use both FTP areas, shared directories, and database storage as file repositories. We strongly recommend using database storage and FTP areas, since a shared directory is not as safe. In this exercise we will describe how a FTP repository is defined.

  1. Click the Repositories tab.
  2. Populate the window (F2) and review the existing settings.
  3. Create a new row (F5).
  4. Enter the following information about the new FTP repository:
  5. Enter also a description of the repository in the Repository Description field.
  6. Save (F12) the new repository settings.

Note that it is possible to have one repository for each document class. If you want a repository to be valid for every document class, enter * in the Document Class field.

Note that you can only have one Generating location per document class at the same time. When a repository is not used for new documents, the status is changed to Usable.

Define Document Type

There are three document types that always are available in the system; Original, View Copy and Redline. To be able to check in files of other types than these you must create new document types under this tab. In this exercise you are going to register a DATA document type to be able to check in database files.

  1. Click the Document Type tab.
  2. Populate (F2) the form to view the current applications that are defined.
  3. Create a new row (F5).
  4. Enter the following information:
    Document Type Description
    DATA Database files

Note: You must also register the file extension that should be used for this type of documents. That is done under EDM Basic/File Types tab. Furthermore, to enable that the files of type DATA are checked in to documents of a specific class, you must configure the Document Class Process Actions for that document class.

Define File Types

All file types that the system should handle need to be defined. In this exercise we are going to add .txt-files to the list of valid file types. The application that run the .txt-files depends on what file type is associated with that file extension locally on you computer. In this example the file extension is associated with the Notepad file type in Windows. You are also going to associate the DATA document type that you created in the previous exercise to a specific file type and file extension . 

  1. Click the File Types tab.
  2. Populate (F2) the window to view the current file types that are defined.
  3. Create a new row (F5).
  4. Enter the following information:
File Type File Extension Description Document Type
NOTEPAD TXT Text files Original
DATA MDB Database file DATA
  1. Save the new applications (F12).

Note that when defining a redline file type, the document type should be set to Redline, and in the same way, when defining a view copy file type the document type should be set to View Copy.