Initial Exercises—Cash Flow Analysis

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of this initial exercise is that the instructor will  demonstrate the basic functionality in Cash Flow Analysis, which entails:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use


Manual Cash Flow—Single

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to enter a single cash flow. 

Manual Cash Flow – Single

  1. Open the Manual Cash Flow – Single window and create a new record. 
  2. Enter values in the following fields: Source, Cash Flow Type, Cash Flow Date, Amount, and Currency.

Note: Outgoing payments are entered with a minus sign preceding the amount.

  1. In the In/Out field, click the option applicable to the payment. Select the status, using the List of Values.
  2. Enter text in the Text field, and then enter a counterpart and name. Select the appropriate value from the drop-down list in the Int/Ext field. 
  3. Save the changes.


Manual Cash Flow—Repetitive

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to enter a repetitive cash flow.

Manual Cash Flow – Repetitive

  1. Open the Manual Cash Flow – Repetitive window and create a new record.
  2. Fill in the following fields:  Source, Cash Flow Type, First Payment Date, Number of Payments, Frequency, Frequency Type, Amount and Currency.

Note: Outgoing payments are entered with a minus sign preceding the amount.

  1. Choose whether the payment is incoming or outgoing. Select the option required in the In/Out field. 
  2. In the Status field, enter a value of 1 through 5 to designate the reliability of payment. Use the List of Values for detailed information in the Status field.
  3. Enter information in the Text and Counterpart fields, and select either External or Internal.
  4. Save the changes.

Note: The current date is set as the entry date by the system.

Manual Cash Balance

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to enter manual cash balance.

Manual Cash Balance

  1. Open the Manual Cash Balance window and create a new record.
  2. Enter values in the following fields: Source, Bank Account, Amount, Currency, and Source.
  3. Save the changes.

Cash Flow Analysis

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to enter a new analysis.

Cash Flow Analyses

  1. Open the Cash Flow Analyses window.
  2. Create a new record and enter an analysis ID (e.g., your initials) and a description of the analysis.
  3. Save your entries.
  4. Select the new analysis record, right-click then and click Details.
  5. Select a line, right-click and then click Order
  6. Click No for the Execute in Background option. Click OK.

Note: The cash flows will now be refreshed for the selected source. The system sets the current date as the generation date.