Structure Reports—Exercises

The exercise scenarios in this document uses data from the RACE version of the database released with App75 SP4 as example data.

Creating a structure report with one structure item

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to create a structure report using one structure repeater display item.

Scenario: In this exercise General Ledger Balance will be used as the information source, and the structure will be based on Code Part B.

IFS Business Analytics/Go to Design

  1. Open IFS Business Analytics.
  2. Click Go to Design to switch from End User mode to Designer mode.
  3. Create a report using information source GL Balance.
  4. Create a new design row for row 6 and 7.
  5. Drag Node ID from Structure Repeater Items in Code B dimension  to Repeater tab row 6.
  6. Drag Code B (non structure item) to row 7 from the same dimension (Code B).
  7. Open Structure Details dialog box and select Structure ID RACE and as the Entry Point select Company level.
  8. Drag Node ID and Node Description to A6 and B6 respectively.
  9. Drag Code B, Description and Balance Amount to B7, C7 and E7.
  10. Click Execute. A list of all cost centers will be displayed as shown below.


Adding another row to your design

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to add a new structure row to the existing design row.

IFS Business Analytics/Go to Design

  1. Select Code B dimension and drag Node ID from Structure Repeater Items to row 7.
  2. Move Code B to row 8. Refer to the image below:

  3. Open Structure Details dialog box and select Structure ID RACE
  4. Select Department level as the Entry Point for this repeater. Refer to the image below:

  5. Drag Node ID, Node Description to cells C7 and D7 .
  6. Drag Code B, Description and Balance Amount to cells E8, F8 and G8.
  7. Click Execute. Refer to the image below:

Enter an Empty Repeater Value

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you how to enter a description for an empty repeater field.

IFS Business Analytics/Go to Design/Row

  1. Change the structure details making Department the Entry Point for row 6 and Group as the Entry Point for row 7.
  2. Click Execute.
  3. For Cost Center 101, 201, 301and 401 empty node values will be displayed.
  4. Click Go to Design.
  5. Click Empty Repeater Value in the Repeater tab for row 7 and enter the text "No Group".

  6. Click Execute. Make sure to verify that your text values appear instead of blank values in the report as shown below.


Designing structure reports using different selection options

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you selection options related to leaves and nodes.

IFS Business Analytics/Go to Design

  1. Click Go to Design and select Structure Details for row 6.
  2. Select Only Attached to Leaves Below from Leaves Included list.
  3. Click Execute. Here you will see that the cost centers which are directly connect to the Department Level have been excluded from the report.
  4. Click Go to Design and select Structure Details for Row 6 from the Leaves Included list select Only Attached to the Current Level.
  5. Click Execute. Here you will see that the cost centers which are directly connected to the Department Level are the only ones being included in the report.
  6. Click Go to Design and select All leaves for Row 6.
  7. Click Criteria and exclude one of the nodes.
  8. Click Execute.
  9. Verify the report results with the criteria selections.

Using Parameters in Structure Reports

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to use a parameter as an entry point.

IFS Business Analytics/Go to Design

  1. Click Parameters.
  2. Select Level Id display item from Code B dimension and create a parameter.
  3. Enter Company as Default Value for the parameter.
  4. Click Save Parameter. See image below.

  5. Select the Repeater tab for design row 6 and then open Structure Details dialog box and open Select Node/Level - Structure dialog box.
  6. Select the Parameter tab and select Use Parameters and select the level parameter you created from the List of Values. Refer to the image below:

  7. Select Use Parameters from the Parameter tab for row 7 and do not enter any values in the Level field. If this field is empty it will automatically show the level, below the Level you entered as a parameter. The Structure Details dialog box should look like this:

  8. Click Execute. You will be prompted to enter the parameters for Level, start with the default value.
  9. Click Execute again and enter DEPARTMENT and/or GROUP as the parameter.