Attendance Clocking Basic Data — Exercises

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how rounding rules used for employee clocking records are defined.

Rounding Rules Definition
Rounding Rule Setup

Define Rounding Rule

Example 01 : Rounding rule should be created to fulfill the following requirements;

Perform the following steps to create the required rounding rule;

  1. Open the Rounding Rule Definition window.
  2. Create a new record and enter NORMAL as the rounding ID and 'Rounding for Normal Time Period' as the description.
  3. Create a new record in the table.
  4. In the Time From and Time To fields, enter 8:00 and 17:00 respectively.
  5. In the Clocking Type field, enter In as the clocking type by selecting value from the list.
  6. In the Rounding Value field, enter 0.25 as the value.
  7. In the Rounding Type field, enter Round Up by selecting value from the list.

    Note: In the above steps, you have defined how rounding should apply for an In type clocking. Similarly, define how rounding should apply to an Out type clocking.
  8. Duplicate the record in the table and change the clocking type to Out and the rounding type to Round Down in the respective fields.
  9. Save the information.

Link Rounding Rule to Employees

Perform this exercise to link rounding rule NORMAL to employees who fulfill the following criteria;

The table below illustrates how rounding rules NORMAL and OVERTIME can be linked to employees in order to fulfill the above criteria. Follow the steps given below;

  1. Open the Rounding Rule Setup window.
    Note: In the Priority field, specify the priority order as given in the table below.
    Priority Order Rounding Rule ID Position Code Organization Code Wage Class Day Type Selection Group Rounding
    01 NORMAL ACCNT B-CS 10     Include
    02 NORMAL     10 380%   Exclude
    03 OVERTIME         WORKERS Include
  2. Create a new record and enter the details as given in the first row in the table. Ensure that the rounding selection value as Include so that the rounding rule NORMAL is applicable to the relevant position, organization and wage class.
  3. Create the second record. Ensure that the rounding selection value is Exclude so that the rounding rule NORMAL is not applicable to employee assigned to day types defined for shift work (i.e. day types 380-001, 380-002,380-003).
  4. Create the third record. Ensure that the rounding selection value is Include so that the rounding rule OVERTIME is applicable to employees assigned to selection group WORKERS.