Navigation Related Basic Data—Exercises

Basic Data Setup

Defining a Standard

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a standard.


  1. Create a standard.

General exercise for Defining a Standard.

Defining a Plant

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to define a plant.


  1. Create a plant.

General exercise for Defining a Plant.

Creating Classes

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to create classes.


  1. Create several classes.

General exercise for Creating Classes.

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to set up navigation related basic data.

Navigational Model Item Configuration
Navigational Model
Business Object Explorer

Creating Navigational Model Items

  1. Open the Navigational Model Item Configuration window.
  2. Click New. The Standard of the User Default Plant is displayed, if one has been set.
  3. In the Standard field, use the List of Values to select your CompanyName_standard, if it is not displayed.
  4. In the Business Object Type field, click the drop-down list and select Design Part.
  5. In the Item Name field, select DENOM1 using the List of Values.
  6. In the Item Description field, enter Description.
  7. Click New to enter other navigational model items with the following information:
Field Value
Standard CompanyName_standard
Business Object Type Design Part
Item Name  PART_NO
Item Description Part Number
  1. Click Save

Creating a Navigational Model

  1. Open the Navigational Model window.
  2. Click New. The Standard of the User Default Plant is displayed, if one has been set.
  3. In the Description field, enter the Design Part General Details as the name for the object or design part model.
  4. In the Business Object Type field, use the list to select Design Part.
  5. In the Standard field, use the List of Values to select your CompanyName_standard, if it is not displayed.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click New (in the lower part of the window) to define the navigational model item levels for the navigational model.  
  8. In the Sequence field, enter 1.
  9. In the Item field, use the List of Values to select CLASS.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Refresh Navigator Cache to save your navigational model and rebuild it in the Business Object Explorer

Creating a Design Part Tree View

  1. Open the Business Object Explorer.
  2. Click the Explore Design Parts folder, right-click and click New Tree View.
  3. In the Tree View Name field, enter Design Part General Details.
  4. In the Access group of fields, select Personal to ensure that the Tree View will be displayed exclusively for you.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Design Parts tab, select Use a Navigational Model to display all design parts belonging to a particular design part navigational model. In the Use a Navigational Model field, use the List of Values to select the Design Part General Details navigational model. 
  7. In the Standard field, the Standard of the User Default Plant is displayed, if one has been set. Use the List of Values to select your CompanyName_standard, if it is not displayed.
  8. Select the Direct navigation check box to display child parts directly underneath the parent and not within relational folders such as Consists of and Belongs To.
  9. Select the Omit the More Information folder field to directly view additional information for a design part, such as related documents or design objects.
  10. Click Save. A tree view will be created by the Design Part General Details name in the Business Object Explorer. View this tree view after creating design parts to view the navigational model levels.

Creating a Design Object Tree View

  1. Open the Business Object Explorer.
  2. Click the Explore Design Parts folder, right-click and click New Tree View.
  3. In the Tree View Name field, enter All Functional Design Objects.
  4. In the Access group of fields, select Personal to ensure that the Tree View will be displayed exclusively for you.
  5. Click Save.
  6. In the Design Objects tab, select Display all objects without Parent that can have Children to display all objects at the top of either a functional or a locational structure. Next, select Functional Structure.
  7. In the Select Plant field, the User Default Plant is displayed, if one has been set. Use the List of Values to select your CompanyName_plant, if it is not displayed.
  8. Select the Omit the More Information folder field to directly view additional information for a design object, such as related documents or design parts.
  9. Click Save. A tree view will be created by the All Functional Design Objects name in the Business Object Explorer. View this tree view after creating design objects and a functional object structure for your plant to view the navigational model levels.