Absence Limit Allocation—Exercises

Required Data

Setup Employee Data

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to show you the required data that is used in the exercises below.

  1. Open the Employee window.
  2. Select employees 1036 and 1012. Ensure that the employees have the following data entered. This information will calculate the seniority of employees which is used when absence limits are automatically generated.
Employee ID Position ID Employment Type Education Level Work Experience Breaks Employment Period (Yr)
1036 FIN FULL Masters - 2000 - 9999
1012 LOG FULL Masters - 2010 - 9999

Main Exercise

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to show how absence limits are generated for employees.

Absence/Absence Limit Year

Allocate absence limits for employees as described in the table below;

Absence Group Absence Type Automatic/Manual Yearly Limit
HDAYS 1025 - Annual Leave Main Registration type for the absence group. Automatically generated absence limit.
1028 - Casual Leave - Automatically generated absence limit.
SICK 1030 - Unplanned Sick Manually entered absence limit. 10 Days
1031 - Planned Sick Manually entered absence limit. 5 Days

Define Absence Types for Limit Allocation

  1. Open the Absence Configuration window.
  2. Select absence group HDAYS in the navigator.
  3. Go to the Absence Group/Limit Definition tab.
  4. Create a new record and enter 1025 in the Absence Type ID field. Use the list to select values.
  5. Leave the Editable Absence Type check box clear.
  6. Enter 1 in the Absence Allocation Order field.
  7. Select the Consider Assignment and Consider Emp Period check boxes.
  8. Enter absence type 1033 in the Outstanding Absence Type field.
  9. Select Arithmetical in the Rounding Method field.
  10. Save the record.
  11. Create another record for absence type 1028. Enter 2 in the Absence Allocation Order field.
  12. Save the record.
  13. Select the record for 1025, right-click and click Set as main reg type to select the Main Registration Type check box. Note that the Registration check box has been cleared for absence type 1028 (That is, 1028 will no longer be available for absence registration).
  14. Define absence types 1030 and 1031 in absence group SICK for limit allocation in the same way with the following exceptions.
  15. Enter absence type 1034 in the Outstanding Absence Type field.
  16. Select the Editable Absence Type check box for both absence types.
  17. Do not set a main registration absence type for absence group SICK as you did in step 13 above.

Define Automatic Limit Allocation Set-up

  1. Open the Absence Configuration window.
  2. Go to the Absence Group/Limit Definition tab. Ensure that absence types 1025 and 1028 are listed for limit allocation.
  3. Select absence type 1025, right-click and click Absence limit definition details to open the Absence Type Limit Definition window.
  4. Create a new record and enter employment type FULL and seniority setup ID SETUP 1 in the relevant fields. Employees are required to be qualified by this setup in order to have absence limits automatically allocated. Save the records.
  5. Right-click on the record and click Details to open the Absence Type Limit Definition Detail window.
  6. Go to the Limit Threshold tab and create a new line.
  7. Enter 0.5 years in the Threshold From field and 12 in the Threshold Value field.
  8. Create a new record.
  9. Enter 1 years in the Threshold To field and 14 in the Threshold Value field.
  10. Save the information.
  11. Repeat the steps above the define automatic limit setup for absence type 1028.
  12. Use employment type FULL and seniority setup SETUP 2.
  13. In the Limit Threshold tab enter 3 as threshold value when threshold years is 0.5 and 7 as the threshold values when threshold years is 1.

Allocate Absence Limits to Employees

  1. Open the Absence window.
  2. Select employee 1036 to allocate limits.
  3. Go to the Absence Limit Year tab. The absence groups defined in the Absence Configuration window which has the Show in Absence Limits check box selected will be listed in the Absence Group ID field.
  4. Select HDAYS absence group in the Absence Group ID field. Note that the valid period of the year corresponds to the defined valid period for the calendar linked to the selected absence group.
  5. Right-click and click Generate Limit to open the Absence Limit Insert Data dialog box. Employee 1036 is selected in the Employee ID field.
  6. Enter 1025 (Annual Leave) in the Absence Type field. The Initial Value field is disable because this absence type is not editable.
  7. Click OK. The absence limit will be automatically generated based on the seniority of the employee. A record is created in the Absence/Absence Limit Year tab.
  8. Repeat the above steps for absence type 1028.
  9. Do the same for employee 1012 and see how the absence limit differs based on the employee's seniority.
  10. Select employee 1036 in the Absence window.
  11. Go to Absence Limit Year tab and select SICK absence group in the Absence Group ID field.
  12. Right-click and click Generate Limit to open the Absence Limit Insert Data dialog box .
  13. Enter 1030 in the Absence Type field.
  14. The Initial Value field is enabled because the absence type is editable. Enter 10 as the initial value.
  15. Click OK. A record will be created.
  16. Save the information.
  17. Repeat the steps for absence type 1031 and enter 5 as the initial value.
  18. Do the same for employee 1012.