Multi-Company Supplier Analysis


This activity is used to view detailed information about AP ledger Items for the selected supplier for more than one company. This details can be analyzed from supplier's perspective as well as payee's perspective. It is also possible to view the supplier details with any applicable interest and fine amounts and simulate interest and fine in order to view the interest and fine that needs to be paid for late payments. When simulated, these amounts get calculated according to the rates specified for the installment plans of the invoices.


This activity requires that supplier records have been entered.

System Effects

This activity has no system effects.


Multi-company Supplier Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Multi company Supplier Analysis


To view supplier details:

  1. Open the Multi-company Supplier Analysis window.
  2. Search for the supplier ID for which you want to view details, or populate the header and then select the relevant supplierr ID from the list.
  3. Select the Auto Populate check box if you want  to automatically populate and view the supplier details. Clear the check box if you want to query for one or more specific ledger items.
  4. Select the Show Open Items Only check box if you want to populate only the supplier ledger open items. 
  5. Select the Exclude Not Cashed/Open Documents check box if you do not want to view open payment documents (e.g. checks and bills of exchange) for the supplier.
  6. Select the Show Open Amount Before Preliminary Tax Withholding check box if you want to view the open amounts of ledger items before the preliminary tax withholding amount is deducted.
  7. Select the Enable check box if you want to view the invoices with installment details.
  8. Right-click and click Payments per Invoice/Prepayment Analysis to follow-up payment information.
  9. Right-click and click View Purchase Order(s) to access the connected purchase order(s) of the selected ledger item.

To view payee details:

  1. Open the Multi-company Supplier Analysis window.
  2. Search for the supplier ID for which you want to view the payee details, or populate the header and then select the relevant supplier ID from the list.
  3. Select the Payee Perspective check box in order to view the payee details.
  4. Select the Auto Populate check box if you want  to automatically populate and view the payee details. Clear the check box if you want to query for one or more specific ledger items.
  5. Select the Show Open Items Only check box if you want to populate only the open items.  
  6. Select the Exclude Not Cashed/Open Documents check box if you do not want to view open payment documents (e.g. checks and bills of exchange) for the payee.
  7. Select the Show Open Amount Before Preliminary Tax Withholding check box if you want to view the open amounts of ledger items before the preliminary tax withholding amount is deducted.
  8. Select the Enable check box if you want to view the invoices with installment details.

To simulate interest and fine:

  1. Open the Multi-company Supplier Analysis window.
  2. Search for the supplier ID for which you want to view details, or populate the header and then select the relevant supplierr ID from the list.
  3. Select the Auto Populate check box if you want  to automatically populate and view the supplier details. Clear the check box if you want to query for one or more specific ledger items.
  4. Select the Show Open Items Only check box if you want to populate only the supplier ledger open items. 
  5. Select the Exclude Not Cashed/Open Documents check box if you do not want to view open payment documents (e.g. checks and bills of exchange) for the supplier.
  6. Select the Show Open Amount Before Preliminary Tax Withholding check box if you want to view the open amounts of ledger items before the preliminary tax withholding amount is deducted.
  7. Select the Enable check box if you want to view the invoices with installment details.
  8. Select the Simulate Interest and Fine until check box and enter a payment date. The details for the simulated interest and fine amounts, as well as the differences between the paid interest and fine amounts and the simulated interest and fine amounts will be displayed.