Modify Payment Transaction


This activity is used to modify the payment transaction of a Load ID, which are related to AR/AP payments. This includes payments with matched invoices, prepayments as well as cashing of issued check items.

If the external file contains payments for other companies, it is possible to select the specific company and the company's related data, e.g. customer/supplier, invoice number, tax codes, etc. You can also use this activity to resolve errors and warnings and/or to enter additional information for the transaction, e.g. in order to complete the payment matching or to add information for a new item.

Select a different transaction type, Series ID, invoice/prepayment number, tax code, code parts, difference code and/or enter a text for detailed information for the transaction. You can also create new items for the payment transaction, if needed.

It is possible to specify transactions for cashing issued checks. This type of transaction can be used for supplier and customer related transactions.  The system automatically recognizes whether the transaction is for cashing a supplier check item or cashing a customer repayment check item according to your selection of the check ledger item. An issued check item can be matched only with an external transaction, if both are of the same supplier/customer type, currency and amount. If you do not know the supplier/customer, currency or amount, leave the fields empty and the missing information is retrieved from the check ledger item. You can cash checks only of the current payment company, i.e. you cannot match the transaction with check items of another company.

The possibilities of modification depend on the payment code type, which is specified for the external payments.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity,


External Payments per Load ID

Related Window Descriptions

External Payments per Load ID


To modify payment transaction:

  1. Open the External Payments per Load ID window.
  2. Use the Search or Populate function to find the specific Load ID and select the specific line.
  3. Modify the item, according to your preference.
  4. If needed, add additional information about the payment transaction in the Text field.
  5. Save information.

To enter a payment transaction for a new customer difference item:

  1. Open the External Payments per Load ID window.
  2. Click New to create a new line.
  3. In the Transaction Type field, select the value Customer Payment from the list.
  4. You can select another company in the Company field, if the customer difference item should be created in the other company.
    Note: You should be associated to the other company, in order to create a new item in the other company.
  5. Enter in the Payer/Payee Identity field, the ID of the customer for which the new item should be created. You can select the customer from the List of Values.
  6. Enter in the Payment Amount field, the amount to be posted on the cash account. The new item will be created in the AR with the opposite sign when mixed payment is approved.
  7. You can enter in the Message Code field, the message code to with the transaction relates, if the payment method is defined with message code.
  8. Select the New Item check box.
  9. Enter in the New Item Invoice Type field, the invoice type which should be used for the new item.
    Note: The new item invoice type defined for the message code in external payment parameter is displayed by default, if the message code entered in the transaction line.
  10. Enter in the New Item Series ID field, the invoice series which should be used for the new item.
    Note: The new item series ID defined for the message code in external payment parameter is displayed by default, if the message code entered in the transaction line.
  11. Enter in the New Item Invoice No field the invoice number for the new item, if no invoice number series is defined for the invoice series.
  12. The Payment Term field displays by default the payment term of the customer.
    : The payment term defined for the message code in external payment parameter is displayed by default, if the message code entered in the transaction line.
  13. The Tax Code field displays by default the tax code of the customer.
    : The tax code defined for the message code in external payment parameter is displayed by default, if the message code entered in the transaction line.
  14. You can enter in the Difference Code field the difference code or select the code from the List of Values, which should be used for the new item. Depending on the set up of the difference code, it is possible to create a difference notice, when mixed payment is approved.
  15. Save the line.
  16. If the Allow Automatic Matching check box is not selected in external payment parameters, select Match and Check Selected Items from the context menu for the entered line in order to validate your entry.
  17. The Proposed Action field displays Create Diff Item. Due to this proposed action, a new customer difference item will be created when the external payment is transferred to mixed payment and the mixed payment is sucessfully approved.

To change a payment transaction in order to create a new customer difference item with pre-posting instead of a payment on account:

  1. Open the External Payments per Load ID window.
  2. Search for the line, in which the Proposed Action field displays Load Payment On Account.
  3. Select the New Item check box.
  4. Enter in the New Item Invoice Type field, the invoice type which should be used for the new item, if the invoice type is not displayed by default.
  5. Enter in the New Item Series ID field, the invoice series which should be used for the new item, if the invoice series is not displayed by default.
  6. Enter in the New Item Invoice No field the invoice number for the new item, if no invoice number series is defined for the invoice series.
  7. The Payment Term field displays by default the payment term of the customer and can be modified, if needed.
    : The payment term defined for the message code in external payment parameter is displayed by default, if the message code entered in the transaction line.
  8. The Tax Code field displays by default the tax code of the customer and can be modified, if needed.
    : The tax code defined for the message code in external payment parameter is displayed by default, if the message code entered in the transaction line.
  9. Enter in the code parts B-J the code part value for the preposting.
    Note: The posting type IP21 should allow preposting for the relevant code part.
  10. Save the line.

To enter a payment transaction for cashing a supplier check item:

  1. Open the External Payments per Load ID window.
  2. Click New to create a new line.
  3. In the Transaction Type field, select the value Cash Issued Check from the list.
  4. In the Payment Document Series Identity field, use the List of Values to select the check item to be matched with the transaction. The party type displayed in the List of Values informs which check is a supplier check or customer repayment check.

    Note: The List of Values for the Payment Document Series Identity field displays check items for the currency and payer/payee which can be specified in the external payment detail line. I.e. if you want to display check items independent of the currency and/or payer/payee, you should clear the currency and/or payer/payee at first.
  5. Save the information.