Create Z5 Report (DE)


This activity is used to create a Z5 report proposal, acknowledge it, and print the report to file. You can also change, delete, or unacknowledge the proposal. By law, German companies engaged in foreign trade must submit the Z5 report monthly to the Bundesbank (Central Bank).


This activity requires that a German company exist with at least one supplier and/or customer outside Germany. 

System Effects

As a result of this entry, a Z5 report proposal is created, and a Z5 report is printed to file.


Z5 Proposals
Z5 Proposals Detail

Related Window Descriptions

Z5 Proposals
Create Proposal

Z5 Proposals Detail

Create Z5 File


  1. In the Z5 Proposals window, right-click and then click Create Proposal. The Create Z5 Proposal dialog box appears.
  2. Enter the appropriate information, including the customer, customer group, supplier, and supplier group.
  3. Click OK to create the report proposal.
  4. To view individual items in the proposal, select the appropriate row, right-click, and then click Details.
  5. To acknowledge the proposal, select the appropriate row, right-click, and then click Acknowledge. Note that you can now unacknowledge the proposal, if desired, by right-clicking and then clicking Unacknowledge.
  6. To view or print a paper copy of the report, select the appropriate row, right-click, and then click Print Z5 Proposal.
  7. To print the report to file, select the appropriate row, right-click, and then click Create Z5 File.