Modify Age Classification


This activity is used to modify and view the start day and end day of the aging buckets, used for sorting invoices by the number of due days to the due date. The calculation starts from the system date , and the plus sign (+) denotes the due date forward in time, and the minus sign ( - ) denotes the due date backward in time.

You cannot add or delete any of the buckets or add aging codes, but you can redefine a day range per bucket.

There cannot be a day range overlap in the defined buckets. Thus, for the same method, two buckets of 130 days and 3160 days would be valid. Buckets of 130 days and 3060 days would not be valid because the day 30 overlaps.


There are no prerequisites.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the supplier invoices will be sorted into buckets according to the specified time intervals.


Age Classification

Related Window Descriptions

Age Classification


  1. Open the Age Classification window.
  2. Query for the bucket you want to view or modify.
  3. Change the start or end days in the Start Day or End Day fields.
  4. Save the changes.