Enter RMA Line


A Return Material Authorization is built in two levels; a RMA header and one or more RMA lines. The second step in a new entry is to enter RMA lines.

In a RMA line you specify the parts and quantities that the customer has requested to return. You must also specify the reason for returning the material and the unitary sales net price for the material, i.e., the original price minus all discounts, including or excluding of tax (only valid in VAT tax regimes).

If it is a return of rented out material that is registered, the rental number connected to the order line will be entered automatically. For rental returns only order connected lines can exist. In this case no return reason can be entered. Credit invoice cannot be created for a rental return.
Rental returns can be either manually registered directly on the RMA header or initiated from Manage Rentals window.

If the Use Price Incl Tax check box is selected, the Price/Curr and Price/Base fields are non-editable and the price is calculated based on the price including tax value and the tax code. The Price Incl Tax/Curr field is editable.
If the Use Price Incl Tax check box is cleared, the Price Incl Tax/Curr and Price Incl Tax/Base fields are non-editable and the price including tax is calculated based on the value entered for the price and the tax code.

If you want to be able to reverse the postings, the current RMA line must be connected to a customer order line. To connect it, you can either enter the ID number of the customer order associated with the return, enter the ID of the customer's purchase order, or enter the debit invoice number, i.e., the ID of the invoice that was originally sent to the customer when the order was delivered. It is necessary for the RMA line to be connected to a customer order line if material is to be returned to a separate entity than the return authorizing site (i.e. returned material is to be received by an external supplier or a different site).

If the RMA is being created for a Jinsui-enabled customer, and a Jinsui invoice needs to be created, the total line amount must not exceed the maximum amount for the Jinsui Invoice specified for the company.

You can not enter a RMA line if the RMA header is in status Denied or Canceled.


System Effects

As result of this entry, a RMA line is created. The RMA line receives the status Planned.

If the RMA header status was Received or Return Completed before entering the new RMA line, the header status will consequently be changed to Partially Received.

If the current RMA line is connected to a customer order line, it is possible to reverse the postings.

If the condition code is changed for a serial part, the condition code value will be updated on the part record in the Part Serial window. If the part is lot batch tracked, the condition code value will be updated in the Lot Batch Master window.

If the total line amount for any particular Jinsui RMA line exceeds the specified maximum amount, you will not be allowed to save this line. To avoid this, the amount can be divided between two or more lines.


Return Material Authorization

Related Window Descriptions

Return Material Authorization
Return Material Authorization/Return Material Lines


  1. Select the lower part of the window and create a new record.
  2. In the Sales Part No field, enter the sales part number for the part that the customer has requested to return. You can do this either manually or by using the List of Values. By default, the price is zero. You have to enter the price manually or connect an order or debit invoice to the RMA line.
  3. In the Condition Code field, the original condition code of the part shipped (if any) will be displayed. If you need to change this value, use the List of Values to select from available values.
  4. In the Qty to Return field, enter the quantity, that the customer has requested to return, expressed in sales unit of measure.
  5. In the Return Reason field, enter the short code for the customer's reason for returning the current part. You can do this either manually or by using the List of Values.
  6. You can also enter the sales net price per unit for the current sales part, either in order currency or in base currency. This is most common if you have a default price of zero and have not connected the RMA line to an order or debit invoice. In the Price/Currency field you can enter the unitary sales price in the order currency. In the Price/Base field you can enter the unitary sales price in the base currency. The prices can also be entered as an amount including tax as well. The net amount will then be calculated instead. This is possible in VAT tax regimes only.
  7. By entering the ID number of the customer order in the Customer Order No field, you connect the current return to the customer order line. You can do this either manually or by using the List of Values. Using the List of Values makes it possible for you to select a line without specifying the part in advance.
    Note: In order to be able to enter a customer order number manually, the sales part number must first have been entered in the Sales Part No field. If you enter the customer order line number, the system will copy the price information from the customer order line, overriding any previously entered price information.
    Note: For a rental return, this step is mandatory and the rental number can bee seen both in the List of Values and on the RMA line.
  8. The above action will automatically enter the corresponding ID of the customer's purchase order in the Customer PO No field. This information can be deleted or overridden manually.
    Note: In order to be able to enter a purchase order number manually, the sales part number must first have been entered in the Sales Part No field.
  9. You may also enter the debit invoice number, i.e., the ID of the invoice that was originally sent to the customer when the order was delivered. Do this in the Debit Invoice No field. If the debit invoice number is specified for an RMA line, and the quantity to return is not manually specified, then the value fetched in the Qty to Return field would be the quantity specified in the invoice. However, this amount can be manually changed if required, up to a maximum value of the total quantity of the customer order line.

Note: In order to be able to enter a debit invoice number, the sales part number must first have been entered in the Sales Part No field.

  1. If material is to be directly returned to the directly supplied entity (i.e. if the RMA line connected to the customer order line was delivered by the supplier specified as the return to supplier in the RMA header), enter the supplier return reason in the Supplier Return Reason field.

Note: The supplier return reason will be used as the return reason for the return of the internal purchase order created for the direct delivery. A return record will be created for this purchase order receipt when returned material is received to the supply site where the supplier is an internal supplier, or when registering direct returns to the supplier where the supplier is an external supplier.

  1. Save.