Delivery Confirmation of Lines with Differences


This activity is used to report the delivery confirmation of separately delivered order lines. Whilst being possible to confirm order lines where the customer accepted quantity is less than the delivered quantity, you cannot confirm more than the delivered quantity. When a delivered line is delivery confirmed with deviation, the quantity available for invoicing will be equal to the confirmed quantity.

To report delivery confirmation with deviation for package parts, the Delivery Confirmation-Package Parts window should be used. You can perform delivery confirmation on the component lines in the package structure as well as for the package.

It should be noted that you cannot delivery confirm order lines for which the Incorrect Delivery Confirmation check box is selected.


System Effects


Delivery Confirmation of Customer Order Lines with Differences

Related Window Descriptions

Delivery Confirmation of Customer Order Lines with Differences
Delivery Confirmation - Package Parts


To report delivery confirmation with differences for non-package parts:

  1. Open the Delivery Confirmation of Customer Order Lines with Differences window.
  2. Query for the specific order number, shipment ID, or delivery note number as appropriate.
  3. To delivery confirm an order line in its entirety or with deviation, select the row, enter the quantity to be confirmed in the Qty Confirmed field and click Save.

To report delivery confirmation with differences for package parts:

  1. Open the Delivery Confirmation of Customer Order Lines with Differences window.
  2. Query for the specific order number, shipment ID, or delivery note number as appropriate.
  3. To delivery confirm an order line in its entirety, select the row, enter the quantity to be confirmed in the Qty Confirmed field and click Save.
  4. To delivery confirm an order line with deviation, select the row, right click and then click Delivery Confirmation - Package Part. Select the component line to be delivery confirmed with deviation, enter the quantity to be confirmed in the Qty Confirmed field and click OK.