Add Handling Unit


This activity is used to create a handling unit structure consisting of one or multiple handling unit levels. A handling unit is a device that can be handled physically and may carry/contain other handling units or items in a structure.

There are three types of handling units:

The basic data for handling unit types must be created before you can add them to the structure.


System Effects

Note: This information is used for the dispatch advice message, to advise the customer about the specific handling unit IDs that will be shipped to the customer.



Related Window Descriptions

Shipment/Handling Unit Structure
Add Handling Unit


  1. Open the Shipment window.
  2. Query for a specific shipment ID.
  3. Click the Handling Unit Structure tab to view the handling unit structure details.
  4. Expand the shipment ID by selecting it.
  5. Right-click on the handling unit and and then click Add Handling Unit(s).
  6. Click New, to activate a new row.
  7. Enter a handling unit type ID or select a value from the List of Values. The name of the handling unit type appears automatically.
  8. Enter the number of units.
  9. Click OK to save the row.