Enter Tools and Facilities


This activity is used to plan the usage of Tools and Facilities on the work order to be quoted. Tools and Facilities are resources that are not personnel, but are still required for performing the maintenance. You can connect tools and facilities only from the site that the service quotation is created to.


System Effects

As result of this activity, a tool and facility line will be connected to the work order to be quoted.


Service Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Service Quotation
Service Quotation/Work Order
Service Quotation/Work Order/Tools and Facilities


  1. Open the Service Quotation window and query for the service quotation.
  2. Click on the Work order tab, create new (F5) or query existing.
  3. Select Tools and Facilities tab and add new record (F5).
  4. In the Tool/Facility ID field, use the List of Values (F8) to enter a Tool and Facility ID. It is also possible to only enter a Tool and Facility type as pre-planning. If that is the case, use the List of Values (F8) in the Tool/Facility Type field and enter a Tool and Facility type.
  5. In the Quantity field, specify the quantity of the tool or facility that will be used for the work order. 
  6. In the Planned Hours field, specify the number of planned hours for the Tool and Facility. 
  7. Enter a value in Sales Part Number or change the automatically fetched if required, using the List of Values (F8). Optionally, change values in Unit Sales Price/base, Unit Sales Price/curr or Discount%
  8. Enter a value in the Job ID field if you want to organize the tools and facilities lines according to jobs. Use the List of Values (F8) to select a suitable value.
  9. Enter a value in the Operation No field if you want to connect the tools and facilities line to a particular operation. Use the List of Values (F8) to select a suitable value.
  10. Save the information (F12).
  11. Repeat step 3 to 10 as required.