Define Standard Transportation Route


This activity is used to define transportation routes. A transportation route is used when changing locations for serials that are not connected to a structure. Both template routes and new routes can be used. A template route is normally used when the same route is used for several serials.


System Effects


Serial Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Basic Data/Template Route
Serial Structure Information/Additional Serial Info/Transport Route


  1. Open the Serial Basic Data window and click the Template Route tab.
  2. Create a new record (F5) or query (F3) for an existing record.
  3. In the Route ID field, enter a short route ID code to be used in the system. Once saved, the field cannot be modified.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the route ID code.
  5. In the Route Seq field, enter which order the leg in the route has to be executed.
  6. In the Days From Start field, enter the number of days from the start of the route until the actual sequence is started.
  7. In the Arrival Time field, enter the arrival time at the location for the actual sequence.
  8. In the Idle Time field, enter the idle time at the current location after the sequence is completed until the next sequence starts.
  9. In the Location Code field, query for a location code by using the List of Values. Values for the Description and Address fields are retrieved automatically.
  10. Save the record (F12).