Serial Structure Changes

A structure change can be performed on a serial in IFS/VIM or on a work order in IFS/Work Order Management. Performing a work order on a serial may lead to a structural change. When this occurs, you can perform the structure change directly from the ongoing work order.

A serial structure consists of serials defined in IFS/Vehicle Information Management (IFS/VIM) and non-serialized engineering parts (from IFS/PDM-Configuration) defined on the lowest level of the structure. The following changes can be made to a serial structure in IFS/VIM:

If the access control functionality is used, you can only perform structure changes on the serials to which you have access. Access control is defined by assigning users to the access groups defined in basic data. These access groups will then be given access to the relevant maintenance programs and serial parts. For more information on the access control functionality, refer the online help file VIM Access Control.

In order to be able to perform a structure change on a serial, certain conditions must be met and requirements fulfilled.

Replace Serial

This is used to replace a serial in a serial structure. Observe the following requirements and conditions for replacing a serial:

When the process for replacing a serial in a structure is completed, the following will take place:

Note: The structural record will still exist in the system as a Not Installed record. After it is removed, the overlaying serial in the structure will be set to the Out Of Operation operational status and the Non Operational operational condition if the removed structure record is part of the minimum configuration.

Remove Component

This is used to remove a part or serial from a serial structure. The part or serial that has been removed from the structure will exist in the system as a serial that is disconnected from a structure. With this option, the reference to the parent record will be removed in the structure and the overlying serial in the structure will be set to the Out Of Operation and the operational status to Non Operational if the structure change involves a serial of the minimum configuration type. 

Install Part of Serial

This is used to install a part or serial into a serial structure. Observe the following requirements and conditions for installing a part or serial into a structure:

Note that a serial can be installed in a structure in connection with different structure changes as well. 

Install Serial

When a serial is to be installed in a structure, a structure position must exist for the serial which is to be installed. The structure position is always on the first level of the top part number and top serial number. You can install the same serial that was previously installed in the structure position or one of its alternates.

Install Part

When either a serialized part or non-serialized part is to be installed in a structure, the part must be the same as, or an alternate of the part that was previously installed in the structure position. If nothing has been installed in the structure position, the prime part of the serial structure template will be used. When a part is installed to a serial that has the In Operation or Out Of Operation status, an entry will be made in the replacement history. You can also install a non-serialized part that is not defined in the serial structure template. Installation of such a part number will cause the parent entry in the structure to be set to Operational. Also, the structure cannot be used until the serial structure template is updated, or the non-serialized part, which is not allowed, has been removed from the serial structure. Access rights are stored on the parts of a structure, but the parts themselves are not access controlled.

Swap Components

This is used to swap components within a structure or between two different structures. When swapping components, installed serials must exist in both parent structures, and the serials must have the same part number and revision or any combination of alternates. When you swap components within a serial structure or between two different serial structures, you are actually carrying out two removals and two installations. 

Rob Component

This is used to rob serials from a structure. When you take (rob) a part or serial from a structure and install it in another, an installed serial must exist in the robbed structure, and a free position must exist in the robbing structure.

The structure position is always on the first level of the top part number and the top serial number. If the robbed component is of the minimum configuration type the operational condition of the parent serial will change to Non Operational. When you rob a component from one structure and install it within the same structure or in another structure, you are actually carrying out a combination of one removal and one installation.

Access Rights for Structure Changes in IFS/VIM

The following options illustrate the access rights received for the serial on which the structure change is performed.

When you select to replace or remove a serial from a structure, the following options can be selected in relation to the access control feature. The options are as follows:

When a serial is installed in a structure, the serial will automatically receive the access groups belonging to the parent serial of the structure. All the serials below in the structure will also be updated with the access groups.

When the serials are swapped, the access rights for the swapped serials will change. When the serials are swapped and installed in the respective structures, the serials will receive access rights from the topmost serial of the structure.

As a result of the Rob Serial function, the new serial will receive the access rights belonging to its parent serial. All the serials below in the structure will also be updated.