Reserve Serial Numbers From Customer Order Line


It is possible to reserve serial numbers from a customer order line. These serial numbers will be used in shop order and DOP order.


System Effects

Serial numbers are reserved for the parts on the customer order line.


Customer Order

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Customer Order/Order Lines
Reserve serials for customer orders


Reserve serials manually:

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Select the order line, right-click and then click Reserve Serial Numbers.
  3. Click New and add the serials manually.
  4. Click OK.

Reserve serial numbers from a sequence:

  1. Open the Customer Order window.
  2. Select the order line, right-click and then click Reserve Serial Numbers.
  3. Click Sequence.
  4. It is possible to enter a prefix and suffix for the serial numbers by marking the check boxes, but this is optional.
  5. Click New and enter a serial number interval.
  6. Click OK.