Enter Address Cross Reference


This activity is used to create cross-references between a particular customer and additional information regarding the customer address.


This activity needs the following prerequisites;

System Effects

As a result of this activity, additional information is sent per customer per address to the outbox message for the following message classes: INVOIC,ORDRSP,DESADV and DIRDEL.  


Customer Address Cross Reference

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Address Cross Reference


  1. Open the Customer Address Cross Reference window. If desired populate and view the existing data.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Enter the customer ID in the Customer No field using the List of Values. You have the option to create a new customer using the zoom function.
  4. Enter the identity of the customer address in the Address ID field using the List of Values. You have the option to create a new customer using the zoom function.
  5. Enter any additional information (e.g. branch code in customer supported message classes.) in the fields Cross reference Info 1.2.3,4 & 5 as required.
  6. Save the record.