During the schedule flow one of the steps can fail or the prerequisites are changed. If this should occur you can alter the data on the schedule. Depending on the reason of the need for change you can alter quantities, dates, tolerance check methods or other agreement terms etc. You must always decide to reset the schedule before you modify the data. Whenever the reset function is used the schedule will return to the beginning of the flow and after altering the desired data you can run the schedule through the flow once again.
The customer schedule has failed during the flow or the agreement terms or data are changed for the schedule.
Regardless of if the schedule has failed or if the terms or data are changed, the schedule can be run once again through the flow.
Customer Schedule
Customer Schedule Agreement
Customer Schedule Agreement Part
Customer Schedule
Customer Schedule/Lines
Customer Schedule/Reconciliation Info
Customer Schedule/Misc Schedule
Customer Schedule
Agreement/Customer Parts
Schedule Agreement/Agreement Defaults
Customer Schedule
Agreement/Tolerance Check Defaults
Schedule Agreement Part
Schedule Agreement Part/Supply
Customer Schedule Agreement
Part/Workflow Options
Schedule Agreement Part/Tol Check Options
Customer Schedule Agreement