About Rental Inter-Site Voucher

When renting assets between sites within the same financial company no invoices are involved. Due to this we need a mechanism to report internal sales revenue of the supply site and internal rental cost of the demand site. The purpose of inter-site rental voucher is to report the internal revenue and internal cost in each site.

A separate set of business events and postings will be used to report the internal revenue and internal cost. The business events and postings will depend on inventory or non-inventory parts being used and positive or negative values of transactions. It always uses the usual voucher type connected to function group RT : Rental Transactions.

The inter-site rental transactions are always governed by the supply site. Furthermore, once you generate rental transactions for the supply site based on the supply site events, it will automatically create transactions for the demand site for the same value to report internal cost irrespective of the demand site events. Furthermore the demand site events will not be considered to generate rental transactions and they would then be only for information purpose.  Due to creating same value transactions both in supply and demand sites there will not be any value discrepancy between sites. Additionally, counter postings are created to book the counter revenue and cost in each site as well.

If external and inter-company rent out process is considered, revenue is reported against the customer order invoice postings. In this scenario, no postings are created against the rental transactions at supply site. Unlike the external rent out process, when the internal customer order is created in supply site, in the same financial company, it will not create any invoices. Therefore it will create postings to corresponding business events to report the internal revenue.

Example 1: Two sites within the same financial company using inventory parts for rental process.

Rental Price : 100 USD/day

Quantity : 1pcs

Rental Chargeable Duration : 30 days

Supply Site

Business Event : INTRNTREV+                                                                                                        



M249 Counter Posting Internal Rental Revenue Inv


M250 Internal Rental Revenue Inv


 Demand Site

Business Event : INTRNTCOS+                                                                                                        



M253 Internal Rental Cost Inv


M254 Counter Posting, Internal Rental Cost Inv


 If the internal customer order and internal purchase order are connected to projects, it would report revenue and cost to the connected project activities corresponding to relevant cost elements.