Register/Update Applicant Information


Applicant Information can either be registered internally (manually) or by the applicant using the External Web Recruitment function. The first part of this document will describe how internal registration is done.

System Effects

Applicant data can later be transferred to Employee Files if the applicant becomes employed.



Related Window Descriptions



Internal registration

  1. Select New
  2. Enter First- and Last Name
  3. Enter the number of months the applicant should be kept on file. The default value is 6 months.
  4. Save
  5. On the Applied Requisitions tab, enter the appropriate data. A detailed description of this functionality can be found here: Applied Requisitions
  6. All data on the other tabs is optional and can be added and modified at any time. A detailed description of these tabs can be found from the window description for Applicant

External registration

When an applicant uses the External Web Recruitment and applies for a job, an applicant is created with an automatically generated Applicant ID. In this version the external applicant can enter data for:

This data will appear on the corresponding tabs in the Applicant window. It is then possible to add and update this and all other information for the applicant.