Moving Parts in Receipt

You can either move parts according to the current receive case, or you can perform a move according to your demand.

Moves According to Receive Case

For a receipt line that follows a receive case and is to be moved into one or multiple inspection or stock locations, start from the proper overview window. The following overviews exist in the receipt function: Move Into QA, Move Into Stock. The purpose with the overviews is to simplify your moves since only the receipt lines that are ready for such moves are displayed. However, you cannot change any data in these overviews, and the move operations lead to the same dialog boxes as the corresponding operations in the Purchase Order Receipt tabs.

When you process your receipt lines in accordance to the receive case, the following moves are relevant:

Receive Case: Receive into Arrival:

Receive Case: Receive into Inventory:

Receive Case: Receive into Arrival, Inspect at Arrival:

Receive Case: Receive into Arrival, Inspect at QA:

Receive Case: Receive into QA, Inspect at QA

Move Single Handled Parts

Arrival entered receipt lines are possible to move between different locations. You can move either a subset or the whole quantity. Start from Purchase Order Receipt/Single when handling moves that not are connected to any receive case, e.g., receipt lines that should be divided into different location types or parts that should be moved back from a stock location to inspection.

Use of serial numbers or lot/batch numbers affect the handling. If the inventory registered purchase parts are set up to use serial numbers or lot/batch numbers and the numbers are not specified when doing the move into a stock location, you are prompted to enter serial or lot/batch numbers before you can move the parts into a stock location.

Move into QA

Parts that are to be moved into QA should be in status To be Inspected.

Move into Stock

Receipt lines having the status To be Received are ready to be moved into one or several stock locations.

Any inspection results, serial, or lot/batch numbers need to be specified before you are allowed to move the parts into a stock location.

Move Pallets

First, you must create a transport task. A transport task can be seen as a communication method to inform the truck driver or the stacker that goods needs to be transferred to a different location. Only entire pallets can be moved. You can modify the task and print out a transport task report to notify the truck driver that he can physically move the pallet. After that, the truck driver or any other relevant system user will execute the transport task in the system.

When creating the transport task, the system suggests a destination location which is decided by the location group indicated in the Inventory Part/Pallet tab. If several locations are connected to this location group, the system selects the location by priority.

Move into QA

Parts that are to be moved into QA should be in status To be Inspected.

Move into Stock

Receipt lines having the status To be Received are ready to be moved into one or several stock locations.

When moving to a stock location, a message dialog pops up and gives you the possibility to automatically create transport tasks. If you agree, the system creates as many transport tasks as possible. The system warns you if the pallet locations are not enough and you must create more pallet locations.

When receiving a pallet into a stock location, the location type can be any of the following: pallet, pallet deep, or pallet buffer. If the pallet is received into the first two location types, the pallet can be reserved and delivered to a customer. The latter location type is only used as a source of refill when needed.

Any inspection results, serial, or lot/batch numbers need to be specified before you are allowed to move the parts into a stock location.