Create and Print Analysis, Purchasing


An analysis can be created using several windows in the receipt function. When you choose Create Analysis from the Operations menu, a read-only dialog box appears with the information to be transferred. The Print Test Instruction check box is enabled by default. Disable the check box if you do not want a printout. When you click OK, the system creates an analysis. 

The test instruction can be attached when the goods are sent for inspection. The controller can then enter the test result on the test instruction and send it back with the goods.

Note that if the Creating Analysis for Purchasing feature is set as mandatory in IFS/Quality Management, you have to perform this activity at some point in the receipt process in order to be able to move the goods into stock. 


System Effects


Purchase Order Receipt, Purchase Order Receipts

Related Window Descriptions

Create Analysis Purchase Order, Purchase Order Receipt, Purchase Order Receipt/General
Purchase Order Receipt/Misc
Purchase Order Receipts
Analysis Result


  1. Either populate or query to display the appropriate receipt line.
  2. Select Create Analysis from the Operations menu. A read-only dialog box appears with the information that will be transferred.
  3. Clear the Print Test Instruction check box if you do not want the test instruction to be printed.
  4. Click OK to confirm.
  5. If an analysis for this particular purchase order already has been created, you can also choose Analysis Details from the right mouse button menu in one of the windows mentioned above to view and edit the analysis.