Punch List Management

IFS/Punch List Management comprises of Punch Lists and Punch Items. Punch Lists include lists to:

A punch list groups a number of punch items together to make them easier to track, assign and inspect. The Project, Company and Plant for which the punch list is applicable can be defined.

Punch items represent the work that needs to be completed or corrected for sign off or acceptance of the project or contract. e.g. Instrument Calibration Error, Painting to be Completed, or a Missing Cable. A punch item can be associated with an object, commission package and parent system, if required. The ability to add multiple punch items allows the work to be split into manageable pieces and also to be allocated to more than one assignee. The work to complete the list of items may be undertaken internally or externally. There may be a requirement for inspection and these inspections may also be internal or external. A punch item can undergo inspection several times before it can be approved.

Status Management

When a punch list is saved for the first time the Preliminary status will be assigned. You will only be able to change the status to Defined once there is at least one punch item registered to it. The status cannot now be changed back to Preliminary however punch items can be added and removed until the punch list has been set to the Approved status. Once all the punch items have been accepted the punch list can be set to the Completed status.