Define Project Invoice Plan


Use this function to define an Invoice Plan for a project. Invoicing plans are used to schedule fixed amount invoices. If you and the customer agrees on an amount to pay for certain activity during a period of time, you can define this price and time period in this window.

If you want to invoice regularly, e.g. monthly, during a certain time period you can use the Invoicing Plan Wizard.

System Effects

As a result of this entry, you are able to create invoices from the Invoicing plans.


Invoicing Plan

Related Window Descriptions

Invoicing Plan


Without the wizard

  1. Select New.
  2. Specify Project, Sub Project, Activity and Report Code to which you want to set up an Invoicing Plan.
  3. Enter the Sales Amount that you have agreed on.
  4. Choose a Currency Code.
  5. Select Save.

With the wizard

  1. Select the RMB choice 'Create Invoicing Plan...'
  2. Select a Project, Subproject and Activity.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select a Report Code.
  5. Enter a Total Sales Amount that will be split up into the number of times that you select later.
  6. Select the interval between the invoicing occurrencies.
  7. Select the number of times that