Project Part Demand Preparation

In this main process project-specific items are acquired to the delivery project. This is done by creating purchase requisitions that later on are transformed into purchase orders, or by creating shop orders or Dynamic Order Processing (DOP) headers. For parts with the Project MRP supply type, shop order and purchase requisitions will be created as result of performing PMRP.

Cost and progress are fed back to the project module and the purchase/shop orders and DOP headers will inherit the project’s pre-accounting.

The main flow is the following:

  1. Define the supply option for the project-specific items/parts.
  2. Transfer parts to inventory and check that the part type and supply type corresponds to the supply option of the part.
  3. View Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC) Warning Info.
  4. Perform GRC.
  5. Net material demand, either from standard or project inventory.
  6. Create supply requests for the project-specific items/parts.

Changes could occur during the course of the delivery project, e.g., when a project item has to be removed from the project product structure, or when its quantity per assembly is either increased or decreased. When this happens a new GRC has to be performed. If a pegged request has already been created, it is either removed or modified.