Enter Progress Template


A progress template is a collection of related progress template steps. For each step, manually register a progress percentage, which indicates the progress gained when this step is reached. Also, the relative progress of each progress template step is calculated which is the progress increase between this step and the previous step. A progress template can be connected to tasks, activities and similar objects to facilitate the monitoring of progress information.


The job of acquiring a new printer can be divided into three logical parts:

  1. Finding out what the printing needs are and which printers cover them. The status might be completed or not completed.
  2. Deciding which printer to buy and then buying it. The status might be completed or not completed.
  3. Installing and testing the printer. This task must pass all progress template steps listed below before it is finished.

We then have the following progress template steps:

  1. Equipment checked for compatibility
  2. Connected and powered up
  3. Appropriate software installed
  4. Test page printed

If the activity of acquiring a printer is already registered, the tasks can be entered so that the progress of each can be monitored. First, a task progress template called NEWPRINTER is created; then the progress template steps are entered using that template.

The progress of each progress template step is defined as 20%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. This means that the overall activity is 50% complete when the equipment is connected and powered up; it is 100% complete when a test page is satisfactorily printed and the printer is ready to use.

In this example, the Relative Progress function becomes useful by calculating that progress template step 10 is 20% of the template, progress template step 20 is 30%, progress template step 30 is 25%, and progress template step 40 is 25%.

Progress information on progress template steps is shown on tasks, activities, subprojects, and projects. Therefore, changing this information will affect progress information on all these elements.

To remove a Progress Template, you must first remove all tasks related to each progress template step and then remove all progress template steps related to the profile. In addition any other objects that use the progress template must remove the connection as well. After that, the progress template can be removed.



System Effects

The progress templates are available from the List of Values when creating new tasks, and their progress template steps are available for reporting progress on the task.


Project Basic/Progress Template

Related Window Descriptions

Project Basic/Progress Template


  1. Click either the New option or F5 to create a new template.
  2. Enter progress template name and description.
  3. Create a new progress template step in the table.
  4. Enter a progress template step (Progress Template Step), description, and progress (in percent) for the task when this progress template step is completed.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each progress template step to be registered.
  6. Save the progress template with progress template step.