Project Employee Allocations

An employee can be allocated to a project, sub project or an activity. It is also possible to identify which Resource ID the employee allocation is connected to, making it possible to show the number of allocated hours compared to the number of planned hours. This link is only allowed if the employee allocation is on an activity level since planning of resources is not possible on any other level. You have the option of allocating an employee more than once during a specific period of time.

Allocation of employees on project, sub project and activities will be separated from work orders. If an employee is allocated to both a project and a work order at the same time, it will be considered as two different assignments or allocations.

An allocated employee is reported as reserved for the allocation period, hence the employee's availability for being allocated to other jobs is reduced. Any employee allocation is reported through IFS Human Resources (HR).

With regards to the status of the project or connected activity:

When an employee is allocated to a project (sub project or activity) and at the same time a percentage of the allocation is defined, the user will be allocated to the project for that particular percentage within the earliest start and latest early finish date of all activities if no Date From/Date To has been entered.

An employee can be allocated based on the percentage of the employee schedule (defined in HR), upon which the number of hours between the Date From and Date To will be calculated. If entering a number of hours the percentage allocated will be calculated instead.

It is also possible to lock employee allocations thus preventing the allocation from being moved even if the project plan is modified. If an employee allocation is fixed and the specified Date From/Date To is outside the activity/activities' Earliest Start/(Latest) Early Finish dates, it will be indicated as an employee allocation date exception.