Project Budget Control Rules

[About Project Budgeting and Forecasting] [To Project Management]


Use this window to create, revise and view budget control rules defined on any or every level in the project structure. The project must have been selected or queried first before the graphical display and tab container are shown.

The hierarchy for the selected project and for the connected cost breakdown structure (if used) is displayed on the left hand side of the window in the form of graphical navigators.  On the right hand side of the window, is the Rules tab which displays the control rules defined on the selected levels in the WBS and CBS (if used). As the user selects a different type of icon in the graphical display, the corresponding control rules for that level will be displayed in the Rules tab.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Develop Project Forecast
Create and Develop Project Budget
Approve Project Forecast with Approval Routing
Approve Project Forecast without Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget with Approval Routing
Approve Project Budget without Approval Routing


Define Budget Control Rules