Project Team/Access Definition
Project/Project Access/Access Definition
Project Navigator/Project Access/Access Definition

[About Project Access] [To Project Management]


Use this tab window to grant/revoke sub project access to/from teams. It is possible to give a project team access to all available sub projects by using the wildcard symbol % in the Sub Project ID field.

You first include the teams that should have access to your sub projects. All sub projects on lower levels will then inherit the same access. Then you can exclude sub projects on lower levels which the team should not have access to. By excluding a team from a sub project, the access to that sub project and all sub projects on lower levels are revoked from the team. There are no limits to the number of include/exclude records in a sub project structure.

Please note that by marking the Access to New Projects checkbox in Project Team, the team will automatically be given access to all sub projects in new projects. When creating a new project, the system will automatically create a record in this window for each team that have the checkbox marked. The team will then get access to the entire project.

Project Team/Access Definition is useful to see in which projects a team is used, while Project/Project Access/Access Definition and Project Navigator/Project Access/Access Definition are useful for seeing which teams have access to the selected project.

The result of the include- and exclude-definitions in this window can be seen in Project Navigator/Project Access/Team Access.

Activity Diagrams

Initiate Project


Define Project Access Definition