Undo Shipment of Supplier Material


Use this activity to undo the shipment of supplier material. Note that this activity can only be performed for supplier material; not for backflushed, no-charge components, or charge components.


System Effects


Supplier Material for Purchase Order Line

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Material for Purchase Order Line
Undo Shipment of Supplier Material


  1. In the Supplier Material for Purchase Order Line window, query for the purchase order for which you want to undo the shipping of component parts.
  2. Select the material line. Right-click and then click Undo Shipment.
  3. In the lower pane of the Undo Shipment of Supplier Material window, indicate the quantity for which you want to undo the shipment in the Undo Shipped Qty field.
  4. Save your entry to undo the shipment.

Note: The value you enter in the Undo Shipped Qty field should not be greater than the value in the Qty Shipped field of that specific line.