Ship Material to Supplier


When outsourcing you need to send to your supplier the material he/she needs to either manufacture or pack the parts that you in turn will purchase. Once you have reserved this material you need to ship it to the supplier.

This function is a simplified outsourcing method, so it will not create any transport documents. If needed, it is better to use the other outsourcing method, the so called Charged/No Charged.


The material must have been reserved.

System Effects

The material will be picked from inventory and accounted as WIP. The WIP amount will disappear when the arrival of the purchase part takes place.


Ship Supplier Material

Related Window Descriptions

Ship Suppler Material


  1. In the Ship Supplier Material window, query for the purchase order for which you want to ship the parts.
  2. If not previously done, choose Print Pick List... from the Operations menu.
  3. To ship the full quantity, select the line of the lines and choose Ship full quantity from the Operations menu.
  4. Save. The parts will be automatically picked and will ship using a WIP account.
  5. To ship a partial quantity, select the line and in the Qty to Ship column and enter the desired quantity.
  6. If the part is serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, a dialog box appears where the serial number(s) to be shipped should be identified. Click OK when completed.