Reserve Supplier Shipment


This activity is used to reserve rental parts automatically to supplier shipment. When reserving serial or lot-tracked parts automatically, the system will reserve only the ones you receive from the corresponding purchase order. Automatic reservation is only applicable for rental returns. When returning inspected materials, they will always be identified during the inspection process, therefore those parts will automatically be reserved to supplier shipment by the system when time supplier shipment lines are created with inspection returns. The reserved quantity field on the supplier shipment line represents the quantity reserved to supplier shipment line from inventory part in stock. However for inspection returns, this field also represents the quantity inspected from arrival and quality assurance locations even though they are not really reserved from inventory part in stock.

If the purchase order was initiated from a project miscellaneous rental demand and if the received parts were already reserved to project demand line then the automatic reserve function will first un-reserve quantities from project demand line and the supplier shipment reservation will be done afterwards.


System Effects


Supplier Shipment

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Shipment 


  1. Open the Supplier Shipment window.
  2. Right-click, and then click Reserve.